Guia docente 2015_16
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Programming I
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Projects The student will develop a project in the last weeks of the term, and will submit a report. The project will be assessed in the final laboratory test. 30 B4
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Every 4 weeks, the student will take a practical individual test in the laboratory.
At the end of the term, the student will take a comprehensive final practical test.
All of them will consist in the development of a program in the computer.
Those tests will assess the student's progress with the laboratory practices and with the project.
20 C6
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Every 4 weeks, the student will take a test that will assess the advancement of the students skill in the resolution of problems. At the end of the term, the student will take a comprehensive final test on the whole contents of the subject. 50 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation
The course planning in lectures and the estimated time of the most important assessment milestones is detailed below:

  • Week 1: Lecture 1/2
  • Week 2: Lecture 3 - Practice 1
  • Week 3: Lecture 3 - Practice 1/2
  • Week 4: Lecture 4 - Theory Test 1 (PT1) - Laboratory Test 1 (PP1)
  • Week 5: Lecture 4 - Practice 2/3
  • Week 6: Lecture 4 - Practice 3/4
  • Week 7: Lecture 5 - Practice 4/5
  • Week 8: Lecture 5 - Theory Test 2 (PT2) - Laboratory Test 2 (PP2)
  • Week 9: Lecture 5/6 - Practice 5/6
  • Week 10: Lecture 6 - Practice 6 - Project (1h)
  • Week 11: Lecture 6 - Project (2h)
  • Week 12: Lecture 7 - Project (1h) - Theory Test 3 (PT3) - Laboratory Test 3 (PP3)
  • Week 13: Lecture 7 - Project (2h)
  • Week 14: Project (2h)
  • Finals: Final Theory Test (PFT) - Final Laboratory Test (PFP)

In all courses the School offers two evaluation modes: Continuous evaluation and comprehensive evaluation.

The student must opt to the latter one explicitily, no latter than the week before the Theory Test 2 (PT2) is taken.

The continuous evaluation will be considered as "passed" if the student has submitted a report for the project developed from the 10th to the 14th week, and if the final grade obtained by the student is at least 5. This final grade is the harmonic mean between the theory and laboratory, calculated as follows:

NF = (2*NT*NP)/(NT+NP)

  • NP = 0.1*PP1+0.1*PP2+0.2*PP3+0.6*PFP
  • NT = 0.1*PT1+0.1*PT2+0.2*PT3+0.6*PFT

The Final Theory Test (PFT) assesses the mastership of the contents explained in the lectures.

The Final Practice Test (PFP) assesses the proper application and coding in C to deal with a medium level project. Indirectly, it also assesses the mastership of the contents introduced in the lectures and the laboratory practices.

The use of the harmonic means implies that the course is not passed if either NP or NT has a grade under 3.3.

No test in the continuous evaluation mode is repeatable; that is, the instructor has no obligation to reschedule an evaluated activity missed by a student.

The date and procedures for the revision of the grades will be known before the evaluation tests. The students will have the chance of reviewing the grades preferably within two weeks after the evaluation.

In order to pass the course by the comprehensive evaluation mode, the student must submit a project report similar to the one submitted by the continuous evaluation students, and the final grade obtained by the student must be at least 5. This mode will consist of a theory test (PFT) and a laboratory test (PFP, which will include the evaluation of the project). The final grade is the harmonic mean between the theory and practice, calculated as follows:

NF = (2*NT*NP)/(NT+NP)

  • NP = PFP
  • NT = PFT

Both the continuous evaluation grade and the comprehensive evaluation grade will be computed to all students that take the final tests (theory and practice). The final grade will be the higher one.

A "No Present" grade will be granted:

  • If the student opts for the continuous evaluation mode, when no test is taken after the Laboratory Test 1 (PP1)
  • If the student opts for the comprehensive evaluation mode, when no final test (PFT and PFP) is taken.


University regulations allow students to take an additional test to approve the course (extra evaluation). In order to pass the course using this extra evaluation, the student must submit a project report similar to the one submitted by the continuous evaluation students, and the final grade obtained by the student must be at least 5. This extra evaluation will consist of a theory test and a laboratory test (which will include the evaluation of the project). The final grade is the harmonic mean between the theory and practice, calculated as follows:

NF = (2*NT*NP)/(NT+NP)

  • If the student takes the extra theory test, NT will be the grade achieved in that test. Otherwise, NT will be the theory grade obtained for the theoretical tests in his/her regular evaluation.
  • If the student takes the extra laboratory test, NP will be the grade achieved in that test. Otherwise, NP will be the practice grade obtained for the practical tests in his/her regular evaluation.


All the partial and final grades will only be valid for the term the student is enrolled to, that is, in case the student repeates the subject, he or she will not retain any of the grades of the previous year.


If plagiarism is detected in any of the works/test taken, the student will receive a failing grade (0) and the professors will report the fact to the school authorities.


Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000