Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Máster Universitario en Profesorado en Educación Secundaria Obrigatoria, Bacharelato, Formación Profesional e Ensino de Idiomas. Especialidade (Pontevedra): Orientación
  A Innovación e a Investigaicón Educativa como Factores para a Mellora e o Asesoramento Escolar
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Master Session Exhibition by part of the professor of the contained envelope to subject object of study, theoretical bases and/or guidelines of one work, exercise or project to develop pole student.
Classroom work The student develops exercises or projects in the low classroom the guidelines and supervision of the professor. It can be linked his developments with autonomous activities of the student.
Practice in computer rooms Activities of application of the knowledges to concrete situations, and of acquisition of basic skills and procedural related with the subject object of study, developed in classrooms of computing.
Tutored works The student, of individual way or in group, elaborates a document envelope to thematic of the subject or prepares seminars, investigations, memories, essays, summaries of readings, conferences, etc. Generally it treats of an autonomous activity of the student that includes the research and collected of information, reading and handle of bibliography, editorial...
Presentations / exhibitions Exhibition by part of the students in front of it teaching and/or a group of students of one fear on contents of the subject or of the resulted of one work, exercise, project... Can be carried out of individual way or in group.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000