Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  Experimental sciences teaching II
Subject Guide
Subject Experimental sciences teaching II Code P02G120V01502
Study programme
Grao en Educación Primaria
Descriptors Total Cr. Choose Year Quadmester
6 Mandatory 3rd 1st
Teaching language
Arias Correa, Azucena
Arias Correa, Azucena
Pérez Rodríguez, Uxío
Varela Losada, María Mercedes
General description We take in consideration the referents that in this moment exist in regard to the trends around the
qualifications that marks the EEES, how are the study of the specific competitions of disciplinary training and
professional of the White Book (ANECA) of the Title of Degree of *Maxisterio in the area of experimental sciences,
observes that the most valued competitions allude to aspects linked directly with the
didactic development of the area, beside the indispensable training and knowledge of the contained of the
@propio curriculum of Sciences of the EP. The knowledges, attitudes and *destrezas specific stop the area of
Experimental Sciences exposes in have of objectives in the proposal of University Title of second
Degree RD 55/2005, of 21 of January of Teacher of EP. In this normative context, the vain universities
follow being competent in the initial training of the teaching staff and vain follow contributing substantially
to the professional profile of the novel teaching staff of EP.
By another part, the science #go it to me part of the culture and characterizes, to a large extent, the society in the that live.
The students of Primary Education owes to learn the possibilities of intervention in the middle of way that
favour the sustainability of the forms of life and of the environment through a *achegamento to the physical
world and @natural and of a *interrelación with the other areas of knowledge. It treats of one focus globalized of
utilization of the science to form to the citizenship. The students of these qualifications, future teaching personnel, owes
to promote a scientific education that help to think, to communicate , to do and the *autorregularse, having
how referent the established in the curriculum of Primary Education of the Department of Education of the Xunta de Galicia.

The university teaching practice and the lines of didactic investigation, in this field, owe to contemplate
methodologies and conceptual buildings, *procedementais and *actitudinais, always in interaction and with the
skyline of the development of the basic competitions, relative to global problems of actuality such as
them referred environment and to the sustainable development. Of this way, splitting of the own
methodologies of the didactic of the sciences, can be used the approaches *C-*T-*S, them of the building of the knowledge
around of global problems, them of scientific and technical literacy of the citizenship, or them of the Education in
Global Science: it Owes to include the treatment of the *transversalidade, rendering special attention to the equality
between men and women, inside a model *integrador.
In the present course will continue with the experimentation of the Project of Innovation: "DESIGN And IMPLANTATION OF PROCEDURES And INSTRUMENTS OF EVALUATION IN DEGREES And POSTGRADUATES Through The PLATFORM SUBJECT: QUESTIONNAIRES KPSI, *RÚBRICAS And CONCEPTUAL MAPS IN DIGITAL FORMAT" (Earring of Resolution *Reitoral), consistent in:
In this mark proposes the design and implantation of procedures that affect in the process of learning (formative evaluation and *formadora, in the that the students is *corresponsable) through the following instruments: Questionnaires or forms *Knowledge *and *Prior *Study *Inventory (KPSI), *Rúbricas or matrices of assessment and Conceptual Maps. All they are inserted in the combination go in the #cooperative work and the individual, so well the processes of learning take place socially, the learning is individual. In the case of the Conceptual Maps also use how proofs of execution or realization.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000