Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Degree thesis
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
1. The student/will request it the presentation and evaluation of the TFG with the seen and review of the respective academic tutor.
2. The application of presentation, directed to the Commission of Academic Coordination, will owe to go accompanied of the version writing and electronic of the TFG by *cuadriplicado with the seen and *prace of the *titor/to academic. It Will be able to attached the documentation or material additional that estimate opportune so that it was taken in consideration to evaluation court. The FCED will put when having of the students some academic orientations and of style stop the presentation written of the memory of the TFG.
3. To effects of evaluation, the *titor/to academic will issue a report in the that will value (of 0 to 3 points) the *labor realized by the student/it during the period of manufacture of the TFG. This report will accompany the documentation referred in the point 2. The criteria of evaluation will stay collected in the teaching guide of the subject.
4. In attention to the applications presented, the Commission will establish, in accordance with the evaluation court, and will publish the order stop the celebration of the act of public presentation of the TFG. At least, it will fix a date in the common announcement of June and another in the extraordinary of July.
Presentations / exhibitions ACT OF PRESENTATION And PUBLIC DEFENCE OF The TFG.
1. The act of presentation will be realized pole student/it in public session in the date and hour assigned. Of exceptional way, the Commission of Academic Coordination will be able to approve another modality, previous formal application and motivated of the student/it and always that it was possible.
2. The student/will expose it in a maximum time of fifteen minutes a summary of the TFG and of the main results and conclusions achieved. Later, without surpassing the thirty minutes, the members of the Court *avaliador will realize the observations and opportune considerations.
Group tutoring The tutor will be able to establish group tutories to give the general indications to each phase of the work
Master Session They will exist tutories in small group to expose all the reglamentation to the TFG
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000