Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Specialisation in individual sports
Topic Sub-topic
1. Sportive talent
2. The sportsman
3. The trainer in the individual sport of high level.
4. The careers.
5. The jumps
6. The launchings. The strength
7. The flexibility. Structuring and demonstration of the flexibility. Methods, evaluation and planning of the flexibility.
8. Planning of the training in individual sports.
1.1 Phases of the training of the sporty.
1.2. The sportive initiation.
1.3. Training in inferior stages
2.1. Phases of the vital cycle of the sportsman
2.2. Development of the elite in the individual sport
3.1. Development of the leadership of the trainer
3.2. The trainer in the individual sport
4.1. Development and training of the smooth career
4.2. Development and training of the speed.
4.3. Development and training of the career of fences.
4.4. Development and training of the resistance
5.1. Development and training of the vertical jumps
5.2. Development and training of the horizontal jumps
6.1. Training and development of the launchings
6.2. Development and training of the strength.
6.3. The training of the strength in the individual sport. Training of strength for prevention of injuries.
7. The flexibility like half of prevention of injuries. Prophylaxis in the individual sport: The warming
8. Schedule in the individual sport in function of the sportive level and of the competitive level
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