Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Sporting system management and organisation II
Code Description
B12 Application of the technologies of the information and communication (TIC) to the area of the Sciences of the Physical Activity and of the Sport.
B14 Managing of the scientific basic information applied to the physical activity and to the sport in his different manifestations.
B22 Aptitude to plan, to develop and control programs for the direction of organizations, entities and sports facilities.
B24 Action inside the ethical beginning necessary for the correct professional exercise.
B25 Skill of leadership, capacity of interpersonal relation and teamwork.
B26 Adjustment to new situations, the resolution of problems and the autonomous learning.
C19 Aptitude to plan, to develop and to control programs for the direction of organizations, entities and sports facilities
C20 Aptitude to manage the sports public and private services
C21 Aptitude to design the program of functioning of the sports facilities and to select the material and sports suitable equipment
C22 Aptitude to know and apply the juridical frame of the professional area
C23 Aptitude to identify and value the risks that could stem from the use of the equipments and sports facilities
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