Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Teaching of the teaching-learning processes in physical activity and sport II
Topic Sub-topic
Block 1. Planning of the processes of education-learning through the physical activity and the sport. • Evolution and concepts of planning and programming. Phases of the process programmer: previous analysis, preparation, execution and evaluation
• The process of education-learning in the frame of a planning.
• The didactic processes in the planning of the sportive education in the formative frame of the school sport or of the club of base.
Block 2. Levels of concretion and units of programming in the planning to half and long term. • Educational legislation in the physical education. Analysis and application.
• The levels of concretion *curricular and his elements constituents.
• The programming. Purposes, types and design.
Block 3. Evaluation and control in the processes of education-learning through the physical activity and of the sport. • The evaluation: concepts and definitions.
• Classes of evaluation.
• Instruments of evaluation.
• Legislative referents for the evaluation *curricular in physical education.
Block 4. The dimension researcher of the professor. The reflexive inquiry, base of the training of the *profesorado. • The professor of physical education like researcher.
• The investigation-action.
• Tools for the educational investigation.
Block 5. Resources and didactic materials in the physical activity and the sport. Analysis and *rentabilización educational. • Didactic resources for the education of the physical education and the sport.
• Didactic materials for the education of the physical education and the sport.
• Educational surroundings and organisation of the educational sportive space.
• Educational surroundings and adaptation to the diversity.
Block 6. Education in values and his didactic in the processes of education-learning through the physical activity and the sport. • The values and ethical principles in the physical education and the sport.
• Education for the consumption.
• Sustainable physical education.
• Physical education from the intercultural perspective.
• Physical education and health. Didactic tools to design and schedule to a better lifestyle.
• The equality of sexes in the education and the sport.
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