Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Physiology: Exercise physiology II
Topic Sub-topic
BLOCK I. PHYSIOLOGY OF The EXERCISE And PROOFS OF EFFORT. Subject 1. Modifications and cardio-vascular adaptations produced by effort and the physical exercise.
Subject 2.-Blood modifications and adaptations induced by effort and the physical exercise.
Subject 3. Ventilation, transport of oxygen (VO2) and CO2 produced by in effort.
SUBJECT 4. Studio of the weight and of the corporal composition.
Subject 5.Physiological bases and principles of the sportive Nutrition.

BLOCK III. PHYSIOLOGY of the Endurance Subject 6. Sour balance-base and Renal Function.
Subject 7. Fatigue and Syndrome of overtraining
BLOCK IV. FISIOLOGY OF The EXERCISE And EXTERNAL AGENTS. PREVENTION And HEALTH. Subject 8. Physiological answers in front of distinct environmental situations.
Subject 9.- Relations go in the physical exercise, health and prevention of illnesses.

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