Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Education: Epistemology of physical activity, sport and physical education science
   Learning outcomes
Expected results from this subject Training and Learning Results
Differentiate between the reality and the objects of study. Comprise the function of the *epistemología. B1
Distinguish the different types of object of study that can be tackled by the *CCAFD. Comprise the object of study of the *motricidad human from different formal perspectives and know identify his different notes: psychic, *somáticas, natural, cultural, *centrípetas and centrifugal. B1
Understand the existence of paradigms or different approaches in the interpretation of the world and how affect to the scientific knowledge. B1
Identify the different paradigmatic currents valid in the field discipline of the Sciences of the Physical Activity and the Sport. *Reflexionar On different perspectives of social and practical understanding on the body and the *motricidad human, known and unknown, hegemonic and *marginales, possible and impossible. B1
Comprise the relation between the language, the knowledge and the paradigmatic philosophical/conceptions on the *corporeidad human. B1
Know, identify, distinguish and nominate the different demonstrations of the *motricidad human and/or expressions *motrices. B1
Identify, select and *consensuar in group to election of an object of study linked to the *CCAFD. B1
Elaborate, present and explain in team a visual presentation on the object of study. B12
Know employ the tools of Google *Drive for the preparation of collective presentations, questionnaires and page web. Employ the resources of the Web 2.0. By means of I handle it of the tool Google *Drive and Google *Sites. B12
Apply the paradigm *sistémico to the knowledge of the phenomena linked with the physical activity-sportive and/or *motricidad human. B1
Identify the basic structure of a memory of investigation. B2
Comprise and apply with property to scientific language in the academic and professional field. B2
Elaborate academic works of structured and rigorous form. Know *referenciar the documentation. B2
Look for information of quality on a question that interest us know. B1
Understand a scientific document and know extract of the same the information that interests us. B2
Know what is a profession and his relation with the context partner-economic. Differentiate the profession of the science. Distinguish the professional and scientific dimensions-humanistic of the university degree. B1
Know the professional regulation of the field of the physical activity-sportive. Know the Official School of Graduates in Physical Education and in Sciences of the Physical Activity and of the Sport. B13
Comprise what is the ethical and the need to incorporate the in the professional and academic practice-scientific. Read and *reflexionar on the ethical and deontological codes existent in the field of the *CCAFD. Incorporate the ethical reflection in the academic practice. *Concienciarse Of the importance of the training continues and of the social commitment with the very common. B13
Be *receptivo/the and *reflexionar without prejudices on the questions and dilemmas formulated in the classes. Be flexible in front of new approaches on the Sciences of the Physical Activity and the Sport. B13
Participate and *interactuar with the group class in the dynamic proposals. B25
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