Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Basics of combat activities
Topic Sub-topic
Brief description of the contents of the memory of verification of the degree (in each one of the following thematic blocks, at the end of the same and between bracket, will signal by means of the corresponding number -1,2,3,4- to which or which does special reference): 1. *Fundamentación Theoretical of the activities of fight.
2. Technical foundations-tactical and didactic of the *judo and the activities of fight.
3. Formal and functional structure of the *judo and the activities of fight.
4. The process of sportive initiation to the *judo.
A) Historical Evolution of the sports of fight (1).
Description: in this thematic area realises a route through the different historical stages that has suffered the fight, from the primitive period, going through the archaic civilisations, the classical world, the half age, etc., until arriving to the actuality.
- Brief approximation to the fight in other civilisations.
- The fight in the archaic civilisations.
- The fight in the classical world I: the fight in Greece.
- The fight in the classical world II: the fight in Rome.
- The fight in the Half Age and in the Modern Age.
B) The process of sportive institutionalisation of the activities of fight and of the Japanese martial arts (1-2-3-4).
Description: it explains which has been the process of deportivización that have experienced the fights until arriving to his full institutionalisation, realising special upsetting in disciplines luctatorias like the judo. resume The evolution suffered by the judo from his origin until the actuality. They tackle the starts of the judo like a form of personal defence ju jutus, effecting a practical application of the most notable technicians of the judo to the most daily situations of personal defence. Like colophon of said process of deportivización presents the referee's regulation of the judo. They conceptualise and they characterise the Japanese martial arts, analysing the change suffered until his deportivización, that is to say, the transformation of the Bujutsu in Budo.
- The fight in the Contemporary Period.
- The judo. His evolution.
- Initiation to the Ju Jutsu.
- Referee's regulation of judo.
- The martial arts: concept and characterisation. The Japanese martial arts like spiritual education: his change in occident -the deportivización-.
C) Characterisation and concept of the sports of fight (1-3).
Description: this thematic block is allocated to effect a acotación conceptual of the fight, clearing terms that, a priori, could seem identical for, later, establish which are the common characteristics of the different sports of fight.
- Acotación Conceptual of the fight: terminological explanations.
- Characteristic common of the sports of fight.
D) Classification of the sports of fight and of the technicians (1-2-3-4).
Description: in this thematic area tackle the diversity of classifications of the sports of fight in function of the distinct currents doctrinales more notable. It effects a review of the technical classifications more important for, finally, realise a comparison between the technicians used in distinct sports of fight with hold, from the forms to project to the opponent against the floor until the forms of control to the opponent.
- Classification of the sports of fight.
- The classifications of the technician in judo. Comparative technician between different sports of fight with hold.
E) Sports of fight. Generalities (1-2-4). Description: in this thematic block tackle the most notable appearances on the ceremonial characteristic of the sports of fight. Besides, we will realise an approach to the skills motrices luctatorias. - Sports of fight. His ceremonial.
- The skills motrices luctatorias.
F) Foundations (Kihon) (1-2-3-4).
Description: in this thematic area will tackle foundations of the sports of fight so notable like the greeting, the posture, the hold, the falls and the phases of the technician.
- The greeting (Rei).
- The posture (Shisei).
- The falls (Ukemi).
- The hold (Kumikata) and the phases of the technician.
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