Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Anatomy: Human Anatomy and kinesiology
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. The corporal movement and the physical exercise. Concept and purpose. Different approaches in the application of the exercise.
• Corporal movement.
• Tasks *motrices.
Subject 2. Foundations of realisation *motriz. Mechanisms involved in the action *motriz. Factors in the execution of the movements.
- Mechanisms involved in the action *motriz.
- Factors in the execution of the movements.
Subject 3. Formal characteristics of the physical exercise.
• Intensity
• Intention
• Forms
• Technical
Subject 4. Articular movements - Movements that can effect each articulation of the human body.
- Degrees of amplitude.
- Flat and axes of orientation of the movement.
Subject 5. Analysis of positions and of movements of simple mechanics and of complex mechanics.
- Movements of simple mechanics.
- Movements of complex mechanics.
Subject 6. Study of the muscular action in the exercises.
- Types of muscular contraction.
- Actions and functions of the muscles.
- Conjoint participation of the muscles in the movement.
- Influence of the gravity and of other external strengths on the muscular action.
Subject 7. Analysis of positions and of movements of simple mechanics and of complex mechanics attending to the muscular participation.
- Analysis of movements of simple mechanics: *particpación muscular
- Analysis of movements of complex mechanics: muscular participation

Subject 8. The basic physical qualities. Effects in the organism.
• Concept and classes of basic physical qualities.
• Concept and factors of physical conditioning.
• Adaptative processes to the physical exercise.
• *Periodización Of the practice of the physical exercise.
• Evolution of the capacities *motrices.
• Foundations for the development of the physical condition.
Subject 9. Demonstration, development and assessment of the dependent capacities of the device *locomotor.
• The strength. Concept, classes and diverse classifications.
• Systems of development of the strength.
• Assessment of the muscular strength.
• The speed: concept, classes and factors of which depends.
• The flexibility: concept and factors of which depends.
• Systems of development: dynamic and static.
Subject 10. Demonstration, development and assessment of the dependent capacities of the processes of obtaining and utilisation of energy.
• The resistance. Concept and classes.
• Systems of acquisition of the resistance.
• Assessment of the resistance.
Subject 11. Qualities *psicomotoras related with the muscular action.
• Concept and classes of qualities *psicomotoras.
• The coordination. Concept and types, according to the different criteria:
• Forms of development of the coordination.
• The balance. Concept and classifications.
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