Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Gross motor games
Topic Sub-topic
1. Theoretical bases-@práctico of the motor game.
- History
- Definitions
- Rankings
- Theories
- Characteristic
2. Didactic aspects of the motor game.
- Typologies of sessions *lúdicas.
- Basic aspects of the communication.
- Methodology of presentation and driving of games.
- Resources in function of the contexts.
3. The game in the curricula of Physical Education.
- Childish education
- Primary Education
- *Bacharelato
4. Games and education in values.
- The education in values through the game.
- Games and toys no *sexistas.
- Games and toys of education stop the peace and the cultural diversity.
- Traditional games.
5. The game in the half natural. - History and characteristic.
- Typology of games.
6. Toys and material *lúdicos. - History and evolution of the toys and material *lúdicos.
- The motor game and the sustainability.
- Manufacture of toys and material *lúdicos with material of *refugallo.
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