Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Physiology: Exercise physiology I
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practises The student presents the result obtained in the preparation of a document on the thematic of the subject in which they reflect the characteristics of the work carried out.
The students have to describe the
tasks and procedures developed, show the results obtained or
observations realised, as well as the analysis and treatment of data.Observations realised, as well as the analysis and treatment of data.
Aprobado ou suspenso.
Poderá supoñer un incremento dun 20 por cento da nota, unha vez superada a teoría, con máis de 5 pontos en cada un dos dous parciais
Master Session Proofs for the evaluation of the practices purchased, that include enclosed questions with different alternative of answer (true/false, multiple election). The students select an answer between a number limited of possibilities. 0-80 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

realisation of the practical is compulsory and approve them is a requirement to approve the matter. 

evaluation of the theory will be by means of an examination written, constituted mainly by questions of type test, although it also will be able to contain questions of
short answer or questions of development of a subject. It is necessary to obtain
a punctuation of 5 or more points on 10, in each one of the two partial examinations theorists, to be able to approve the matter.

In the second and following announcements, will save the note of the practices in the case that these were approved and, in the theoretical part, will keep the criteria to approve the matter of the 1ª announcement

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