Guia docente 2015_16
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Education: Physical education and sport pedagogy
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Autonomous troubleshooting and / or exercises The professor/will offer it him to the students a collectanea of texts. The student/it, by the his band, will choose go in the texts offered. It Will consist in a critical analysis-*reflexiva related with the thematic worked inside the contained. Likewise, inside the resolution of problems and/or exercises will board the visualization of susceptible videos to enrich the subject and supplement the information and the explained that they develop in the kinds.
Autonomous practices through ICT The students/them, with the opportune orientation of the professor/it, *afondarán in concrete questions that were not boarded rather than of a very generic way in the exhibition of this/it and that are susceptible of treatment of study resorting to the bear documentary and bibliographic *pertinentes. The student/will realize it documentary and bibliographic researches stop the senior understanding of the blocks of content. In this sense, will support in the sources and specialized databases so much of the library of the our university how of other sources found through internet.
Master Session The lessons that *conforman the *temario of this subject will be elaborated and presented of way *expositiva to the group of kind put professor/it, that will center his exhibition, preferably, in the nuclear aspects of each didactic unit, searching offer of way *condensada the essential information that enable to obtain a panoramic vision or of synthesis of each subject, delimiting the concepts, the ideas and the arguments in him involved and overlapping with the other of the program to attain an integration of the modules of content and of the structural aspects that *conforman the cognitive corpus of the subject.
Classroom work The works of classroom (works monográficos) will have how committed the initiation to the investigation. These works *versarán envelope a thematic previously aborted pole professor/it and related with the thematic of the blocks of content.
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