Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Physics 3
  Description Qualification
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Básicamente se centrará en la resolución de ejercicios en el aula. No obstante, se podrá tambien pedir al alumno que entregue ejercicios propuestos y que el resuelva de manera autónoma. En este caso el profesor podrá pedir al alumno que le explique indivdualmente como ha resuelto el ejercicio.
Short answer tests Celebraranse probas de resposta curta polo total da asignatura 45
Long answer tests and development O remata-lo curso celebrarase unha proba completa. 45
Other comments on the Evaluation

We will have two short exams along the course, both of them will include numerical exercises and theoretical questions. The first short exam will be on topics 1-3, while the second one will cover topic 4 to 6. Topics 7 and 8 will be asked only in the final examination. The students could also obtain additional points solving exercises in the class room. They could also attend a final exam covering the whole subject. This final examination could also be employed to improve the marks obtained in the short ones.

In order to sum additional points all the students should obtain, at least, 4 over 10 as an average of his/her examinations.


Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000