Guia docente 2014_15
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
  A Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación na Sociedade da Información
  Description Qualification
Seminars Systematic observation: In the seminars we will value the participation in the debates (with the speakers of the seminar Engineering in the Society;, between the students in the sessions of debate in classroom, and in the argumentation in ;Ethical implications of the Engineering). It will be able to support the evaluation in proofs of short answer.

In these observations we will evaluate the competencies CB3, CG7, CG9, CG13 and CT4
Projects The realisation of the works in groups will be evaluated in two parts: the own dynamics of the works and the presentations.
The student will receive 15% of the note by the own work; evaluated to 50% by the lecturer that directs the work and by the group of professors of the matter.
Related to the presentation, the student will receive another 15%, evaluated by his/her mates (evaluation by pairs) according to a rubric that will be approved before the beginning of the works.

With these works we will evaluate the competencies CB3, CE15/GT1, CG9 and CT4
Master Session Short answer tests: there will be 4 proofs, of 5-10 minutes length, that will liberate contents of the previous subjects.

In these short proofs we will evaluate the competencies CG7, CG9 and CT3
Long answer tests and development The final examination, in case it would be needed, will consist of questions of development, in which the student will have to show the purchased knowledge, initiative to propose solutions to problems no necessarily of telecommunication, and he/she will also have to expose his opinion on conflicts of professional ethics, showing his capacity to provide opinions on situations that involve to the society. 0
Other comments on the Evaluation

The continuous assessment tests allow students to obtain a final grade based solely on their path along the course, and consist of:

One. 4 short-answer tests, with 10% of the total grade each, totaling 40%.

Two. Systematic observation in the seminars, which account for 30%.

Three. Evaluation of supervised work (15%) and the presentation of them (15%).

Continuous assessment tasks are not recoverable, and they are only valid for the current year. A student is assumed to have opted for continuous assessment when he/she has been made two of the short-answer tests and has participated in two debate activities. A student who chooses to continuous assessment is deemed to have been presented to the subject, whether they are present or not to the final exam.

If a student, having submitted to continuous assessment, chooses the final exam, the final grade for the course will be the average of the two.

Under the regulations of the University of Vigo, the student who wishes may choose 100% of the final grade by a single final exam. The final exam is one that is done in the official dates marked on School Board in the months of December or January (or July in the case of special consideration), and who are obliged to attend those students who have not opted for continuous assessment and want to pass the subject. The final exam will consist of a development test, as described in the evaluation section.

The resit exam will have a similar structure to the final exam.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000