Educational guide 2014_15
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Multimedia Technology and Computer Graphics
Topic Sub-topic
Synthesis of image by computer

Description of the underlying mathematics to the charts by computer.
Description of the philosophy of the electronics associated to the cards of graphic processing in the computers

3D Modelling Getting familiar with software programs for 3D design.
Understanding of the differences between different applications and the implications that these differences suppose in what can be done with the designs realised in each program. (Blender, Sketchup, Solid Works, etc.).
Texture mapping and material mapping: UV mapping.
Formats of files for virtual surroundings and games.
3D Animation Simple animation of rigid objects (rotation, traslation, scale). Illumination of scenes and obtaining of videos of these scenes. Realistic animation (a ball bouncing)
Foundations of the animation with skeletons (animation of complex objects; walk of a person, etc.)
Virtual Reality, Enhanced Reality Description of applications of virtual reality and enhanced reality.
Limitations in the sensorization necessary for applications of virtual reality and enhanced reality.
Video games Multisubject knowledge in the construction of a video game.
Hardware platforms for video games. Software platforms for the creation of video games.
Business Model in companies of video games. (Play Station, Xbox, Laptops, Smartphones. Apple store, etc.)
Study of different graphic engines for video games (free and non free)
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