Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grado en Lenguas Extranjeras
  Literatura y sociedad del primer idioma extranjero: Inglés
   Fuentes de información
Abrams, M.H. (ed.), Norton Anthology of English Literature, Norton,
Adams, Robert, The Land and Literature of England, Norton,
Alexander, Michael, A History of English Literature., Palgrave Macmillan,
Burke, Edmund, Reflections on the Revolution in FRance, CreateSpace Platform,
Clark, R. and Thomas Healy, The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English, Arnold,
Daiches, David, Literature and Society, Studies in Comparative Literature, nº 35,
Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, Penguin,
Milner, Literature, Culture and Society, Psychology Press,
Paine, Thomas, The Rights of Man, Viking Penguin,
Rousseau, J. J., The Social Contract, Dover Drift Editions,
Stuart Mill, John, On Liberty and The Subjection of Women, Penguin,
Wollstonecraft, Mary, A vindication of the Rights of Women, Courier Dover Publication. Great Books on line,

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