Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Literatura e outras artes do primeiro idioma estranxeiro: Inglés
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información


O alumnado deberá ler as dúas obras de William Shakespeare obxecto de análise na segunda parte do curso (Macbeth e Much Ado About Nothing) nunha edición crítica en lingua inglesa. Aínda que calquera que conteña o texto serve, recoméndanse especialmente as edicións de Arden e da RSC Macmillan.  

Ademais, na copistería da facultade haberá ó dispor do alumnado un bloque de material de consulta obrigatoria que conterá as seguintes referencias (na orde de lectura que será indicada polo profesor nas sesións introdutorias): 

On Shakespeare’s life and times, theatre,  style and verse:

Crystal, David. 2004: “The Language of Shakespeare” in Wells, S. & Orlin, L.W. eds. 2004: Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Crystal, David & Crystal Ben. 2002: Shakespeare’s Words: A Glossary and Language Companion. London: Penguin.

Egan, Gabriel. 2004: “Theatre in London” in Wells, S. & Orlin, L.W. eds. 2004: Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McDonald, Ross. 2004: “Shakespeare’s Verse” in Wells, S. & Orlin, L.W. eds. 2004: Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Potter, Lois. 2004: “Shakespeare’s Life and Career” in Wells, S. & Orlin, L.W. eds. 2004: Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wells, Stanley. 2004: “Why Study Shakespeare?” in Wells, S. & Orlin, L.W. eds. 2004: Shakespeare: An Oxford Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

On Film as text / Film Analysis:

Abrams, Nathan., Bell, Ian and Udris, Jan. 2001: Studying Film. London: Arnold. (Chapter 2.6. “The Language of Film”) 

On Shakespeare on Film and the Arts:

Bueno, Jorge L. 2004: ‘Baseless fabric’ vs. ‘Potent art’: Towards new perspectives in Shakespeare cinematic revisions” in Moskowich-Spiegel, Isabel. et. al. eds. Interpretations of English: Essays on Literature, Culture and Film. Coruña: Universidade da Coruña Press.

Constantini-Cornède, Anne-Marie. 2012: “Shakespeare on Film, 1930-1990”, in Burnett, Mark T; Streete, A. & Wray, R. eds. The Edinburgh Companion to Shakespeare and the Arts. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 484-501.

Wray, Ramona. 2012: “Shakespeare on Film, 1990-2010”, in Burnett, Mark T; Streete, A. & Wray, R. eds. The Edinburgh Companion to Shakespeare and the Arts. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 502-521.

Hapgood, Robert. 2002: “Kurosawa’s Shakespeare Films: Throne of Blood, The Bad Sleep Well and Ran”, in Davies, A. & Wells, S. eds. Shakespeare and the Moving Image. The Plays on Film and Television. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pearlman, E. 2002: “Macbeth on Film: Politics”, in Davies, A. & Wells, S. eds. Shakespeare and the Moving Image. The Plays on Film and Television. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hindle, Maurice. 2007: Studying Shakespeare on Film. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 99-107, 114-121, 206-2011 (Material on Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood, Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing and Welles’ Macbeth)

Wray, Ramona. 2006: “Shakespeare and the Singletons, or Beatrice Meets Bridget Jones: Post-Feminism, Popular Culture and ‘Shakespea(Re)-Told’”, in Burnett, Mark T. & Wray, R. eds. Screening Shakespeare in the Twenty-First Century. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 185-205.

Wray, Ramona. 2014: "The Butcher and the Text: Adaptation, Theatricality and the 'Shakespeare (Re)-Told Macbeth", in Thompson, A. ed. macbeth: The State of Play. London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 261-282

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