Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Máster Universitario en Necesidades Específicas de Apoio Educativo
  External Practicals I
  Description Qualification
Practicum Report of the external tutors envelope to assistance and realization of the distinct practical activities 50
Reports / memories of practice Manufacture of a memory envelope the activities of practices by previously criteria 50
Other comments on the Evaluation

The Practicum will have a length of 120h that the students will realize in varied centres, services and organisations that work with people with disability, so much in the educational field how sportive. Too it will explain with a series of workshops previous and *simultaneos the realization of the external practices.

Previously the students will receive the information and necessary documentation to carry out these practical, envelope those that will have to realize a final memory.

To surpass the subject is necessary to obtain a 5 in the Report of the tutor and a 5 in the Final Memory. 

The no surpassed activities in first announcement will be able to be surpassed or recovered in the announcement of July.


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