Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Máster Universitario en Necesidades Específicas de Apoio Educativo
  External Practicals I
Topic Sub-topic
Knowledge of the characteristics of the centres of practices

Objective, programs, actions, human and material resources, etc. Stop the development of activities of learning and sportive for to populations with specific needs of support.
Familiarization with the activities and procedures that carry out in the educational centres that work with populations with needs of educational support.

Distinct types of academic activities and physical and sportive activity with populations with specific needs of educational support

Knowledge and familiarizationwith tools for evaluation and intervention with people with needs of educational support
Design of activities and programs
Proposal, programming and development of programs and actions in the centres of practices.
Evaluation and tracking of programs of intervention
Manufacture of memories of progress Evaluation and tracking of programs of intervention
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