Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  History: Contemporary history
  Description Qualification
Tutored works Presentation and delivery, in the distinguished date of the works realised of individual way or in group by the students. It will value the theoretical frame, the structure and articulation of the work, the critical reflection on the sources and the formal presentation of the same. 30
Long answer tests and development They will value the theoretical knowledges of the matter, the structuring of ideas and the precision and clarity in the exhibition. 30
Reports / memories of practice Seminars : Selection, presentation, analysis and critical of the materials worked and capacity to boost the debate, the discussion and the participation.
Works of classroom: Presentation and delivery, in the distinguished dates and according to the parameters indicated, of the practical exercises indicated.
Other comments on the Evaluation
They will value  the assistance and active participation in the theoretical and practical sessions, seminars, tutorials and other activities.

Those students that do not receive  to the face-to-face modality, thing that will have to communicate to the responsible professor inside the first month of the semester, will examine  of all the program of the matter, which will have to prepare from the bibliography basic distinguished. Likewise, they will have to realise *obligatoriamente a practical or bibliographic work, that will be assigned by the responsible professor prior to the end of the face-to-face sessions and delivered in the date of the examination. This last will suppose 70% of the final note and the work 30%.
The students of the face-to-face modality that do not realise all the activities and practical works or do not reach in these or in the examination the qualification of approved, will have to repeat in the second announcement those parts of the matter that have "not passed" or receive to the no face-to-face modality with identical requirements to the demanded the presential students.
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