Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Psychology: Educational psychology: Processes of childhood learning
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1.@Paradigma and theoretical conceptions on *aaprendizaxe and the school learning. (*)Contributions of the *condutismo to the explanation of the processes of learning. Learning by observation: the social theory cognitive. *Aportacións Of the *procesamento of the information To theory *sociocultural of *Vygotsky. The *teoríade *Bruner and the building of the knowledge To theory of the significant learning of *Ausubel. The conception *construtivista of the *aprendizaxeescolar.
(*)2. Contexts and @condicionante factors *daaprendizaxe in the childish age. (*)Educative fields in the societies developed. The familiar context.Psychological and educating functions of the family. The interaction *familia-escola. Programs of training of parents. The school context. Characteristics of the educative practices pupils. Personal factors, contextual and *relacionais that favour the *apredizaxe in the school. *Oprofesor/It: element key of the learning of the students/them. The student/it: agent, protagonist and manager of the learning. The contents. Other educative fields. The *mass take part how educative instruments.
(*)3.Processes of learning in the childish age. (*)Nature, structure and theoretical formulations envelope to intelligence. Processes and cognitive strategies and *metacognitivas. Implications in the school learning. Evaluation and improvement of the cognitive skills.
(*)4.Affective processes and academic motivation in the childish age. (*)*Autoconcepto: Training and relation with the academic performance. Emotions and school learning. The motivation of the *estudiante and the school learning. Strategies *motivacionais.
(*)5.Interaction *alumno-alumno and *profesor-alumno in the childish education. (*)Styles of teaching and effectiveness *docente. Relations *profesor-alumno: representations, expectations and interaction. The *mediación *instrucional. Interaction between students and school learning.
(*)6.*TICs And learning in the childish stage. (*)The use of the *TICs and the school learning. The use of the *TICs and the instruction.
(*)7. Methods and procedures of investigation in Psychology of the Education. (*)Importance of the investigation in this discipline. Methods of Technical investigation of investigation.
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