Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Education: Motor development
Topic Sub-topic
2. Aims of the Education *psicomotriz.
3. Educational action.
4. Origin of the Education *psicomotriz.
4.1. - *Wallon. (Functional unit, development, relation between disorders *psicomotores and disorders of the behaviour)
4.2.-Others. (*Psicoanálisis, *Ajuriaguerra, *Gessell, *Dupre, *Guilmain.)
SUBJECT 2.- CURRENT TENDENCIES IN THE EDUCATION *PSICOMOTORA 1. The psychiatric approximation and *neuropsiquiátrica (*Ajuriaguerra).
2. The approximation *psicopedagógica (*Picq and *Vayer).
3. Scientific approximation: the method *psicocinético of *J. Him *Boulch.
4. The education *vivenciada of To.*Lapierre And *B.*Aucouturier.
5. Education *psicomotora in the countries *anglófonos.
5.1. The model *perceptivo-engine of *Cratty.
5.2. The method of *Delacato.
5.3. The method of education *perceptivo-*motórica of *Kephart
5.4 Education *psicomotriz and Physical Education of Base.
SUBJECT 3: THE CORPORAL DIAGRAM. 1.- The corporal diagram:
1.1. Taking of consciousness and representation.
1.1.1. Evolution of the corporal image.
1.1.2. Basic educational program.
1.2. Organisation of the corporal diagram.
1.2.1. Perception and control of the own body.
1.2.2. Control *postural and balance.
1.2.3. Respiratory control.
2. Affirmation of the *lateralidad and orientation of the corporal diagram.
2.1. Evolution of the process of *lateralización.
2.2. *Ejercitación Of the lateral predominance and the orientation of the corporal diagram.
3. Activities and methodology of application.
2. The appearances *perceptivos.
3. Perception of one same.
3.1. Functional appearances. Global and segmentary character.
3.2. Structural appearances. Global and segmentary character.
4. Perception of the surroundings.
4.1. Functional appearances (utilisation of spacetime).
4.2. Structural appearances (possibilities of situation of the surroundings in relation to us in the space and in the time. Possibilities of the state of the surroundings: Fixed. Stable. *Cambiante.
4.3. Temporary appearances: Length of events. Precision of events. Reiteration of events.
4.4. Appearances space-temporary: Speed. Acceleration.
5. Activities and methodology of application.
SUBJECT 5: DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKILLS And BASIC SKILLS. 1. Concept of skills *motrices basic.
1.1. Stadiums in the development of the skills *motrices.
2. Trips.
2.1. Concept.
2.2. Factors to consider in an educational program for the development of the trips.
2.3. Appearances of the trips.
2.4. Factors that take part in the trips.
3. Jumps.
3.1. Concept.
3.2. Parts of the jump and his didactic utilisation.
3.3. Factors that take part in the jumps.
4. Twists.
4.1. Concept.
4.2. Classification of the twists.
4.3. Factors that take part in the twists.
5. Launchings and receptions.
5.1. Concept.
5.2. Classification of the launchings and of the receptions.
5.3. Factors that take part.
6. The coordination *motriz general.
6.1. Concept.
6.2. Evolution in the boy.
7. The segmentary coordination.
7.1. Coordination *óculo-manual.
7.2. Coordination *óculo-*pié.
8. Activities and methodology of application.
SUBJECT 6 THE BOY And THE CORPORAL EXPRESSION. 1. The body and the movement like means of expression.
2. The corporal expression and his basic elements.
2.1. The corporal language and the gesture.
2.2. Qualitative elements of the movement: the space and The time.
2.3. Activities of corporal expression: corporal Expression. Dance. *Mimo. Dramatic expression.
3. Rhythm and movement.
3.1. Theoretical considerations.
3.2. Influence of the rhythm in the realisation of tasks *motrices.
4. Activities and methodology of application.
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