Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Specialisation in group sports
Topic Sub-topic
SUBJECT 1: The sportive training deport us collective.
- Structure of the collective sports and Factors of differential performance
- The calendar of preparation and the phases of the form how determining the process of training-competition. Competitive density in long periods
- The training-competition how reality *sistémica. The training integrated
SUBJECT 2. Optimization and control of the Technical capacities- oordinative deport us collective
- The sportive technique deport us collective: variability and *adaptabilidad
- Development of the technical map-*coordinativo of the collective sports
- Training and control of the contained technicians deport us collective
SUBJECT 3: *Optimización and control of the Tactical capacities- decisions deport us collective
- The strategy and sportive tactics in the contexts of collaboration-opposition
- Develop of the tactical map-decisional deport us collective
- Training and control of the contained tactical deport us collective
SUBJECT 4. Optimization and control of the Physical capacities-conditional deport us collective
- Analysis of the external and internal cargo
- Development of the conditional map deport us collective
- Training and control of the contained physicists deport us collective: strength, speed, resistance and flexibility
SUBJECT 5. Design of the cargo of training: Models of planning deport us collective.
- Contemporary planning. Designs with cargos concentrated. Microestructuration. Periodization Tactical
- The design of the plan of training-competition in sports of long competitive period
SUBJECT 6.The observation and analysis of the competition how half stop the direction of teams
- Assessment of the performance deport us collective: analysis of the competition
- The process of collected of data: the observation. The instruments of collected and analysis computerized. The scouting
- The modelling of the process of training: the action
SUBJECT 7.Detection and selection of talents deport us collective
- The process of identification of talents
- Building of the profile of reference stop the high performance in the the collective sports
- Proofs and measures stop the selection of talents deport us collective
SUBJECT 8. Development of the talent: The stages of training deport us collective
- The planning long-term deport us collective. The different stages of training and specialization
- Establishment of the *curriculum in the physical or conditional area, technical area or *coordinativa, tactical area or *decisional
- methodological Aspects to take into account in the initiation.
SUBJECT 9: The direction of sportive teams by part of the trainer
- Concept of direction of teams: Determinant that configure the direction. Models or styles of direction
- The direction during the training. The direction before the split. The direction during it split. The attention to the press
SUBJECT 10. The trainer how authorizing of human resources in the sportive groups
- The trainer how authorizing of human resources: the direction of professionals. Models of leadership by part of the trainer
- The groupal cohesion of the team and the dynamics of group
- The multidisciplinary team of work: the sportive staff.

SUBJECT 1: The sportive training deport us collective.
- Structure of the collective sports and Factors of differential performance
- The calendar of preparation and the phases of the form how determining the process of training-competition. Competitive density in long periods
- The training-competition how reality *sistémica. The training integrated
SUBJECT 2. Optimization and control of the Technical capacities- oordinative deport us collective
- The sportive technique deport us collective: variability and *adaptabilidad
- Development of the technical map-*coordinativo of the collective sports
- Training and control of the contained technicians deport us collective
SUBJECT 3: *Optimización and control of the Tactical capacities- decisions deport us collective
- The strategy and sportive tactics in the contexts of collaboration-opposition
- Develop of the tactical map-decisional deport us collective
- Training and control of the contained tactical deport us collective
SUBJECT 4. Optimization and control of the Physical capacities-conditional deport us collective
- Analysis of the external and internal cargo
- Development of the conditional map deport us collective
- Training and control of the contained physicists deport us collective: strength, speed, resistance and flexibility
SUBJECT 5. Design of the cargo of training: Models of planning deport us collective.
- Contemporary planning. Designs with cargos concentrated. Microestructuration. Periodization Tactical
- The design of the plan of training-competition in sports of long competitive period
SUBJECT 6.The observation and analysis of the competition how half stop the direction of teams
- Assessment of the performance deport us collective: analysis of the competition
- The process of collected of data: the observation. The instruments of collected and analysis computerized. The scouting
- The modelling of the process of training: the action
SUBJECT 7.Detection and selection of talents deport us collective
- The process of identification of talents
- Building of the profile of reference stop the high performance in the the collective sports
- Proofs and measures stop the selection of talents deport us collective
SUBJECT 8. Development of the talent: The stages of training deport us collective
- The planning long-term deport us collective. The different stages of training and specialization
- Establishment of the *curriculum in the physical or conditional area, technical area or *coordinativa, tactical area or *decisional
- methodological Aspects to take into account in the initiation.
SUBJECT 9: The direction of sportive teams by part of the trainer
- Concept of direction of teams: Determinant that configure the direction. Models or styles of direction
- The direction during the training. The direction before the split. The direction during it split. The attention to the press
SUBJECT 10. The trainer how authorizing of human resources in the sportive groups
- The trainer how authorizing of human resources: the direction of professionals. Models of leadership by part of the trainer
- The groupal cohesion of the team and the dynamics of group
- The multidisciplinary team of work: the sportive staff.
- It PRACTISES 1: training integrated how methodological resource deport us collective
- PRACTISES 2: technical training deport us collective: variability and adaptability: analytical methodology vs global
- PRACTISES 3: tactical training deport us collective: building of the model of game *I
- PRACTISES 4: tactical training deport us collective: building of the model of game II
- PRACTISES 5: training of the physical capacities: resistance
- PRACTISES 6: training of the physical capacities: force
- PRACTISES 7: designs of sessions of training: contents simulators and regeneratives
- PRACTISES 8: observation and analysis of the performance deport us collective
- PRACTISES 9: proofs and tests stop the detection of talents deport us collective
- PRACTISES 10: stages of training: example of secuenciial of technical means-tactical
- PRACTISES 11: stages of training: example of physical means
- PRACTISES 12: direction of teams: role playing
- it PRACTISES 13: management of human resources: case NASA

- It PRACTISES 1: training integrated how methodological resource deport us collective
- PRACTISES 2: technical training deport us collective: variability and adaptability: analytical methodology vs global
- PRACTISES 3: tactical training deport us collective: building of the model of game *I
- PRACTISES 4: tactical training deport us collective: building of the model of game II
- PRACTISES 5: training of the physical capacities: resistance
- PRACTISES 6: training of the physical capacities: force
- PRACTISES 7: designs of sessions of training: contents simulators and regeneratives
- PRACTISES 8: observation and analysis of the performance deport us collective
- PRACTISES 9: proofs and tests stop the detection of talents deport us collective
- PRACTISES 10: stages of training: example of secuenciial of technical means-tactical
- PRACTISES 11: stages of training: example of physical means
- PRACTISES 12: direction of teams: role playing
- it PRACTISES 13: management of human resources: case NASA

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