Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Fitness activities
Topic Sub-topic
SUBJECT I: Concept and evolution of the fitness
I.1. Concept and evolution of the fitness
I.2. The fitness in the actuality
I.3. The sector of the services of fitness
I.4. The users/ace of the fitness
SUBJECT II: The polyvalent technician of fitness
II.1. Characteristics and training.
II.2. Personal and social skills
II.3. Guidelines for his professional development
SUBJECT III: Activities of fitness: the room cardio-fitness III.1. Equipment and operation of a room cardio-fitness
III.2. Basic guidelines of training in room
III.3. Security and prevention of injuries
III.4. The functional training in the room cardio-fitness
SUBJECT IV: Activities of fitness: current tendencies Subtema IV.1. H.I.I.T.
Subtema IV.2. Tonificación con soporte musical
Subtema IV.3. Running
Subtema IV.4. Cross fit
Subtema IV.5. Entrenamiento excéntrico
Subtema IV.6. Entrenamiento en suspensión: TRX
Subtema IV.7. Core training
Subtema IV.8. Entrenamiento propioceptivo Subtema IV.9. Stretching Global Activo
Subtema IV.10. F.N.P.
Subtema IV.11. Método Pilates
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