Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Methodology & planning of sports training 2
Topic Sub-topic
(*)SUBJECT 2. Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the Technical capacities-*coordinativas (*)- The analysis of the sportive technician- Development of the technical map-*coordinativo of the sportive specialities
(*)SUBJECT 3: Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the Tactical capacities-*decisionales (*)- The sportive tactics- Development of the tactical map-*decisional of the sportive specialities
(*)SUBJECT 4. The means of the training and the methodologies of training. (*)- The exercises of training. Classifications. Levels of approximation- The means of basic and specific training- The methodologies of training.- The integrated training
(*)SUBJECT 5. The temporary structures in the *periodización of the training (*)- Microestructures. Units of training, sessions, *microciclos. Types and design- *Mesoestructuras. Cycles and periods. Types and design- *Macroestruturas. *Macrociclo And season. Types and design- *Megaestructuras. Cycle *plurianual
(*)SUBJECT 6. Models of planning of the training. (*)- Historical evolution of the models of planning.- Traditional planning. Designs with linear and regular loads- contemporary Planning. Designs with loads concentrated. *Microestructuración- Special models of planning. Organisation of the training in function of the sport.
(*)SUBJECT 7. – The design of the plan of training-competition. (*)- General foundations of the programming of the sportive training.- Planning of the competition. Types and characteristic.- Preparation of the competition: *Taper.
(*)SUBJECT 8: The Control of the process of training-competition (*)- The subsystem control- Control of the loads of training- Control of the programming- Control of the contents of the training-competition
(*)SUBJECT 9: Prevention of injuries (*)- Model of evaluation and prevention of injuries.- The model *multifactorial of injuries. Intrinsic factors and *extrínsecos- The cycle of the prevention- Factors and measures of prevention of injuries- Implementation of the programs of prevention
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