Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Management & organisation of sports systems 1
  Description Qualification
Tutored works The student will carry out a proposal of candidature to organize a sportive event. Said work will be developed through exercises proposed in the groups *B during all the semester, that owed to complete of autonomous way the student and will finish off with the delivery of a dossier writing and the oral public defence of the project. This work will realize in groups of 3 students. 30
Autonomous troubleshooting and / or exercises The student will resolve 6 exercises proposed in the groups *C during all the semester that owed to complete of autonomous way and deliver in the time agreed. This work will realize of individual way. 20
Multiple choice tests Proba para avaliación das competencias adquiridas que constará de 20 preguntas pechadas na que os alumnos seleccionan unha única resposta verdadeira de entre 3 opcións.Fórmula de corrección para anular el efecto del azar; [ C = A - E/(k-1) ]. C( calificación), A(aciertos), E(errores), K(número de opciones de respuesta). 50
Other comments on the Evaluation
  1. The final qualification of the subject will result of the weighting of the three proofs of evaluation.
  2. It Will be indispensable requirement to approve the subject had surpassed the three parts, *esto is : it) present inside the *plazo stipulated the candidature of the event (Group *B), *b) present inside the *plazo the 6 exercises (Group *C)  and *c) Obtain in the examination a *calificación of 5 the more points.
  3. The student/the one who do not deliver in *plazo the totality *alguna of the proofs of evaluation, (candidature of the event and 6 exercises)  will obtain a final qualification of SUSPENSO, with independence of the *calificación obtained in the *examen.
  4. In July and in the rest of the extraordinary announcements will evaluate *únicamente by means of a *examen type test (100%)
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