Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Methodology & planning of sports training 1
  Description Qualification
Laboratory practises *Sera Necessary assist at least to 80% of the practices to be able to surpass the *asignatura. The assistance involves the active execution of the same. 0
Long answer tests and development *Consistira In the development of 5 ask referents to the theoretical and practical contents developed in the *asignatura. *sera Necessary approve it to be able to surpass the *asignatura 80
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. The proof *consistira in the resolution and practical execution of a *suspuesto of training linked to the contents realised in the practices of the *asignatura. *sera Necessary approve it to be able to surpass the *asignatura 20
Other comments on the Evaluation

The evaluation in successive announcements will realise of equal form that the posed initially

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