Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Methodology & planning of sports training 1
Topic Sub-topic
(*)Wool adaptation in him depose you (*)*Concept of *entrenamiento sportive* Concept of adaptation in him depose you*He process of sportive adaptation*Mechanism *general of adaptation**Sindrome *general of Dynamic*adaptation of @el process of *entrenamiento sportive: I stimulate, *fatiga, recovery, *supercompensación, adaptation*sensitive Phases in wool adaptation
The load of training Concept of load of training Typology of loads of *entrenamientoAspectos that determine the load of training: content, magnitude, organisation of the load
The sportive form Concept of *formafactores that determine the performance *deportivocaracterísticas of the form *deportivaTipos of form *deportivaFases of the state of *formaSintomas of the state of *formaEvaluación of the sportive form
The principles of the training Concept and *clasificaciónPrincipios *biológicosprincipios *pedagógicosprincipios of planning and organisation
Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the Strength Concept factors that determine the production of *fuerzaprocesos of adaptation in the training of the strength: structural, neuromuscular *mecánicasManifestaciones of the strength: active and reactivates.Methods of training of the demonstrations of the *fuerzaFases sensitive for the development of the strength
Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the speed *Conceptosfactores Of which depends the *velocidadmanifestaciones of the speed: reaction, *acelaración and *deceleración, speed of an isolated movement, speed of a continuous movement *cíclico, speed of a movement *contínuo acyclic.The resistance to the *velocidadLa resistance to the maximum *velocidadMétodos of training of the demonstrations of the *velocidadDesarrollo of the potential of *velocidadLa barrier of *velocidadla agility
Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the resistance *ConceptoFactores That determine the *resistenciaProcesos of adaptation to the training of resistance *aeróbicaProcesos of adaptation to the training of resistance *anaeróbicaManifestaciones of the *resistenciaMétodos of the training of the resistance
Foundations, structure and methods of the training of the flexibility *Conceptofactores That determine the mobility *articularTipología of mobility *articularBeneficios of the training of the flexibility with regard to other capacities *condicionalesMétodos of the training of the flexibility
Detection and selection of sportive talents Concept
Specificity of the process of adaptation of the boy to the sportive training
Indicators for the detection and selection of the sportive talent
Methods and models of detection and selection of the sportive talent
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