Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Didactics of teaching-learning processes in physical activity & sports 1
  Description Qualification
Tutored works *Microensino: Programming and development of a didactic intervention through the physical activity and the sport.
The criteria are:
- Deliver the draft of the session and the final memory in the term established.
- Develop the work fulfilling the formal requirements and of content demanded.
- Carry to the practical the session designed.
- Assist the two *titorías stop the previous review of the session, and the kind where explains the corresponding method the this session.
- Design and *explicitar tasks fulfilling the criteria requested (application of specific methods).
- Mandatory stop all the students.
Laboratory practises Control of the participation in the kind of laboratory.
-Assist and take part active and critically in the *microensino with one minimum of 80% of the practices of the hours of the groups *B.
-The assistance to more of a 80% of the *docencia of classroom of credits *B and *C will exempt of the realization of the practical examination final.
-This criterion is not of forced fulfilment to surpass the subject, since the students that surpass 20% of fouls will be able to access the final evaluation by means of join proof of the credits of laboratory.
- *Calificación Of apt/it or no apt /it
Group tutoring Assistance in group the *titorías stop the supervision and discussion of the work *tutelado.
- The students owes to assist the *titorías with the tasks of control realized that *explicitan in the script of the work.
- Only it will qualify to the students that assist.
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Development of a didactic intervention in group. The students will assume the *docencia of one minimum of an activity of teaching-learning.
The criteria are:
- Organize the phase *pre-active.
- Manage properly the material and space resources during the development of the session.
- *Implementar Strategies of discipline and passive participation.
- Develop the phase *reflexiva with didactic criteria.
- Adopt a positive teaching attitude.
Case studies / analysis of situations Oral defence of the work writing. The students *respostará the questions realized by the professor envelope to the programming of the session developed in the work *tutelado.

In specific cases, by means of previous negotiation with the professor, this tool of evaluation will be able to be *sustituída by an examination developmental writing.
Other comments on the Evaluation

To surpass the *asignatura is indispensable:

- Achieve a *calificación minimum of 5 points.

- Obtain a *calificación minimum of 1,5 points in the methodology of work *tutelado.

- Realize the practical proof, of execution of real tasks.

- Obtain a minimum qualification of 1,5 points in the study of cases/analysis of situations.

In the corresponding announcements it @un mesmo study academic, *conservan the qualifications obtained pole students. It Will be necessary to repeat the necessary methodologies to achieve the three previously mentioned criteria. 

The works to be evaluated owe to be delivered strictly in the dates determined by the professor, that will be communicated together with the proposal of the same.

The delivery of the works will be in format paper, the exception of those cases in the that specify the contestant. When the work no deliver personally to the professor, owes *adxuntarse a by mail electronic copy *simultáneamente his delivery in the postbox of the faculty.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000