Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Didactics of teaching-learning processes in physical activity & sports 1
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Individual work and groupal of resolution of tasks. The professor presents and exemplifies the task and the students resolves and poses doubt. In base it a practical supposition wherein specifies a context, collective, and length of an activity, the students will realize a fragment of the programming, specifying the following elements:
- Formulation of objectives. The correction will realize in the classroom or titorized.
- Manufacture of an abstract matrix of contents that would develop stop this case. The correction will realize in the classroom or titorized.
- Formulation of contents psicho-pedagogical stop the supposition posed. The correction will realize in the classroom or titorized
- Design of suitable tasks to the suppouses.

*Explanation off tasks. In base the a series of criteria by the objective –professor, contents, collective, method, etc. With correction didactic tasks. The correction will realize in the classroom or titorized
- Manufacture of a progression of tasks stop the learning of a driving skill. In base the a series of criteria by the objective –professor, contents, characteristic students/them, method, etc.– With correction the felicitous didactic tasks stop the learning of the skill specified. They Will use how criteria to realize the progression the channels decision or execution. The correction will realize in the classroom or titorized
Master Session Master sessions in that explain the theoretical bases. The students assimilates and takes aim. It poses doubt and complementary questions.
Tutored works - Design and development of a didactic intervention through the physical activity and the sport. Application of microteaching. Each group of three people (or two, if like this indicates it the professor) will develop a session with the basic characteristics determined in the option that was him assigned. In each of them boards specifically a didactic method. Taking how base this didactic element the group will owe to design the rest of didactic elements for this session. This session will owe to be imparted to the his mates and mates in the practical classrooms. It IS obligation of the students kept informed of the possible modifications in the calendar of practices. It IS mandatory to realize a minimum of two *titorías before the realization of the session. One of them will be in hour of kind.
Laboratory practises In the classrooms of laboratory will experience the driving tasks proposals and the realization of a teaching intervention. Participation in a microteaching. The methods developed will be direct control, assignment of tasks, microteaching, reciprocal teaching-small groups, modular teaching, resolution of problems, guided knowledge and participation in groups(stop the reflections-analysis of the final of the session).
Group tutoring The students presents the development of their tutoring works in a minimum of theree tutories.
Introductory activities - Explanation of the function of the contents: *Faitic, tutories, evaluation, etc.
- Informal evaluation of previous knowledges.
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