Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Fundaments of group sports 2
Topic Sub-topic
SUBJECT 2. FOOTBALL 1 *Orixen and evolution *do *xogo *do Football like sport: conceptual approximation.

2. Or regulation.

3. Educational values *do sport: or Football.

4. It structures *sistémica *do football. Structural and functional bases *do *xogo.

5. Or Sporty System (*SD) *na initiation.

6. Phases no *ensino *do Football.

7. Ace *estratexias *metodolóxicas no *ensino *do Football

8. To construction of *tarefas no *ensino *do Football.

9. To session.

SUBJECT 1. VOLLEYBALL 1. History, regulation and appearances configurators of the Volleyball.
2. Basic technical elements.
3. Technical elements- tactical.
4. Collective tactics.
5. Training of the Volleyball.
6. Methodology of education of Volleyball.
7. The Volleyball in the school context.
8. Other ways to play to the volleyball.
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