Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Fundaments of group sports 1
  Description Qualification
Outdoor study / field practices HANDBALL:
Assistance and participation by means of it delivers of the sign and works linked to the same. 0.25%
Laboratory practises BASKETBALL: The assistance to the practices is mandatory. It allows a 10% of fouls. The injuried people/owe them collect the session and delivered. Value of the note in basketball = 10%.
HANDBALL: The assistance to the practices is mandatory owing fulfilled a minimum of 80%. It IS to say, owes to obtained a minimum of 8 on 10 in the assistance. It has a value in the subject of FDC of 4,75%
This is an indispensable requirement for power be evaluated in the part of "work or resolution of problems/exercises .
<br>In case of abscense the any practice that wish to justified, owes to presented the documentation in a maximum term of 15 days afterwards of said abscense. No they will admit *xustificantes afterwards of this period except permanent casualty justified. Yes the final assistance does not arrive to 80% minimum, or the note of works/resolution of exercises, that depend of assistance to the practices of laboratory was in insufficient values, will constitute proofs to value pole teaching staff but in any case will suppose that it consider the practical how realized.
Multiple choice tests BASKETBALL:Selection of an only correct answer between 4 options. The errors subtract he 50% of the punctuation of each question. 12,5%

The proofs of type test are of selection of only correct answer between 4 options. Each 3 questions badly subtracts a well. 5%

This part go of the theoretical examination, that features of proofs of answer test and short, being able to included a developmental or long: to approve owes to reached the 5 on 10 points so much in type test how short (15%).

No they will save the parts approved stop the following edition or announcement except announcement express of the teaching staff by announcement or *mail it all the students.
Short answer tests BASKETBALL = 8%: design, description and graphic representation of actions of game and/or didactic tasks.
HANDBALL = 5%: design, description and graphic representation of actions of game and/or didactic tasks in function of objectives or concrete didactic contents. Also will be able to request the critical analysis and modification/adaptation of sequences of video of real game or simulated in function of the *devanditos didactic bases generals and specific when deposing you (of the handball).
This part go it to me split of the theoretical examination, that features of proofs of answer test and short, being able to included a developmental or long: to approve owes to reached the 5 on 10 points so much in type test how short (15%).
No they will save the parts approved stop the following edition or announcement except announcement express of the teaching staff by announcement or *mail it all the students.
Troubleshooting and / or exercises BASKETBALL (20%)

HANDBALL (25%): This section in *balonmnao will govern by what develops to continuation:

Proof of forced fulfillment

Indispensable requirements for his preparation and evaluation:

1. Minimum assistance of 80% to the practices of laboratory

2. Delivery of a work/exercise by each practice of laboratory realised as long as it fulfil the requirement number1 (80% assistance to the practices of laboratory).

3. To surpass the *asignatura has to surpass this part with 50% of the total points of this section (1/2 or 10/20)

Will be able to request two types of formative activities:

1. Design of complete practical sessions of 45 minutes in function of some competitions, aims and didactic contents, and model of *iniciaicón of the handball.

2. Modification, adaptation or replacement of some didactic tasks experienced in the practices of laboratory in function of some objective/didactic contents and of the model of initiation been still in the *asignatura to check the acquisition of didactic competitions related with the sport of the handball.

These last tasks would constitute what *podria call "memory of practices" but with tasks of reflection, resolution added on the practices.

It contemplates the possibility that said works/exercises expose in small group (4-5 people) partly of the time of the practices of laboratory (that anyway it will not surpass 25% of the same). Said design and exhibition, in case to carry out , will do in small group of 4-5 responsible people.

A part of the note will obtain realising an activity of research of bibliographic information in the catalogue and specific databases of the library, following some criteria of importance, for the *fundamentación theoretical of the exercises or problems.

The Services of the Library of the Campus of Pontevedra, in agreement with the Title of Degree in CC of the Physical Activity and of the Sport, for the development of the Competitions *Informacionales, collaborate actively in the didactic development of this activity from his design, implantation, intervention and evaluation.
Long answer tests and development This testgo it to me split of the theoretical examination of the subject, jointly with the type test and short.

After comprobation of the acquisition of the competitions of theoretical application-practical of the subject will use this proof.

Value of a 10% of the theoretical part.
Other comments on the Evaluation

HANDBALL: it will be compulsory to surpass and fulfil the minimum requirements of each one of the parts stipulated previously and that summary to continuation:

1. Practices of laboratory (4,75%) and exits of practical/study of field(0,25%): requirement arrive to the 8 of 10 points = 80% of assistance of the practices and exits. (5% in total). Indispensable basic requirement to surpass to be able to present to the following section

2. Works, resolution of problems and/or exercises, design of sessions and "memory" of practices (that it includes resolution of exercises or supposed on said practical): requirement approve with a 5 on 10 points (25% note). To be evaluated in said section has to have surpassed the section 1.

3. Theoretical examination: proofs of answer test and short: 5 on 10 points so much in type test like short (15%).

The *alumnado that do not fulfil with the minimum requirements related with the practices of laboratory and the works/exercises based in the same will have the possibility to realise a theoretical examination-practical on the competitions developed in the parts mentioned whose note will be the equivalent to the *sumatorio of the part of practices of laboratory (5%) more works/exercises based in the same (25%), that is to say, 30%. The *alumnado will have to approve said section, that is to say, obtain 50% of the points of qualification, requirement so that it do half with the section 3. Proofs of answer test and short (10 on 20 points) that *equivalen to the theoretical examination.


To realise the calculation of the final note is requirement that the note of each each thematic block separately (basketball and handball) was as like minimum of a 4 on 10.

If the final note of one of the blocks (sport) does not arrive to *l 4 on 10, the *asignatura will be *suspensa, independently that in the another block or sport have approved or have very good note.

The notes of the parts or blocks approved will be able to save for back announcements in function of what describe the section "Second announcement (and/or following)


They will save the notes of the different parts approved of the *asignatura for back announcements a maximum of 12 months explained from the announcement approved. Once surpassed said period the *alumnado will have to go back to *cursar and surpass said parts without damage of the *alumnado of the current promotion.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000