Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Education.: Epistemology of physical activity science, sport and education physical
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Introductory activities - Explanation of the structure and aims of the subject.
- Organisation and explanation of the works to realize.
- Questionnaire of initial and final evaluation.
Master Session - Oral exhibition with audiovisual support of the contained conceptual
Case studies / analysis of situations - Analysis and comprehensive reading of academic and scientific documentation.
- Recopilation and analysis of the common knowledge around physical activity and the sport through different bear.
- Systematic analysis of the professional field.
- Systematic analysis of the academic configuration of the degree.
Laboratory practises 1. Delimitation of studio object.
2. Game of the "hunting of the studio object.
3. Systematic analysis of the object of studio.
4. Looking for information. Access to the databases.
5. Analysis of documentary sources stop his reference.
6. Experimentation of some interventions through the movement/physical activity and analysis of the epystemological aim.
7. Experimentation of some interventions through the motricity/driving expressions and analysis of the epystemological conception
8. Analysis of expressive phenomenon of mmotricity according to the praxiologycal theory.
Tutored works Manufacture of one work academic. Delimitation of one fear, contextualization, resources, employing databases, and editorial of the work. Application of the manual of style APA.
Autonomous practices through ICT Exhibition and edition in virtual outline of the tutored work
Proceedings - Discussion planned on relative situations the scientific and disciplinary delimitation of the Sciences of the Physical Activity and when Deposing you.
- Discussion planned on situations *terminolóxicas and identity *epistemolóxica.
- Critical of news joined to epystemological aims of the Sciences of the Physical Activity and when Deposing you
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