Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Education.: Epistemology of physical activity science, sport and education physical
Topic Sub-topic
1. The science. Conceptual aspects. 1.1. The knowledge and the scientific knowledge.
1.2. Characteristics of the scientific knowledge.
1.3. The definition of the object of studio.
1.4. The ranking of the sciences.
1.5. The paradigms.
2. The field of the physical activity and the sportthe sciences 2.1. The disciplinary configuration.
2.2. The object of studio of the CCAFD.
2.3. The semantic definition of the object: of the physical activity to the motricity.
2.4. Analysis of the motricity.
3. The academic work. 3.1. The manufacture of one work academic.
3.2. Information
3.3. The scientific reading.
3.4. Manuals of style. Application of the format APA (American Psychological Association).
4. Profession. 4.1. The profession.
4.2. The professional regulation.
4.3. The professional school Graduates in Physical Education y Sciences of wool Actividad Physics y of him Deposed.
5. Professional deontology 5.1. Ethics and profession.
5.2. Deontology Codes
5.3. The aims of the physical education and of the professional practice
5.4. Moral dilemmas.
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