Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Fundaments of wrestling activities
   Personalized attention
Methodologies Description
Master Session Theoretical classes: Technician used: lesson *magistral. The lesson *magistral is the most ancient method and, in the actuality, of the most used in the university education. The true lesson *magistral does not have to limit to expose concepts or results, but also to show, to some extent, how arrives to the same, that is to say, has to try transmit a critical approach of the *asignatura, that carry to the student to *reflexionar and discover the relation between the diverse concepts and results that are object of exhibition. Activities developed by the professor: - it Explains the theoretical foundations. In a theoretical class, the explanation of the professor has to gather three essential shots: -scientific Authenticity: it demands a permanent update of the knowledges *insertos in each lesson of the program. -*Ordenación Coherent of the lessons: it allows that, in the course of the exhibition, can remember concepts already seen in another part of the program to relate them with the ones of the lesson of the day, which induces to the student to look for connections of the concepts that learns, forcing his imaginative capacity and facilitating the use of the significant learning. -Clarity of the exhibition: it will realise with the suitable rhythm, with the precise pauses, with the reiterations of the most important points and of greater difficulty, with the interruptions by part of the students, unforeseen or foreseen by part of the professor, and even estimated by this, without that all this affect to the planned development of the program for each lesson. Activities developed by the student: - Of general form, could *resumir in: -Assimilate and taking aim. -It poses doubts and complementary questions. For a better *provecho of the theoretical classes, the student has to realise the following activities: -Read *someramente, before attending to class, the matter that goes to treat the professor. This habit requires discipline but, in return, provides a *aprovechamiento very upper in the classes and, in definite, saves time of study. -Listen with the decided purpose to understand what hears . -Take orderly notes of the salient points of the explanation. -Review the annotations of class shortly after finished this. Practices of laboratory: Technician used: practices in sportive installations -*tatami-. The practical classes constitute an essential part in the training of the student, in such a way that, together with the theoretical part, places to the student in an active situation, what allows him a development of his capacity of observation and a suitable and complementary comparison between the theory and the practice. His just assessment requires a review of the aims that pursue in the training. Like this, to his ending, the student will be able to distinguish erroneous results, or systematic errors in the experimentation, in addition to explaining apparent contradictions. In this sense, the practical classes have to be programmed carefully together with the course of the program of theoretical classes, that is to say, the activity carried out in the practical classes will not be able to *desligarse by the student of the explanations that has received in the theoretical classes. Activities developed by the professor: - it Presents the aims. - It orients the work. - It realises the follow-up. Activities developed by the student: - Experience and it executes the tasks proposed. - Develop and it applies the tasks with the mates. *Tutorías Practical and theoretical: Technician used: *tutorías personalised. The *tutorías consist in giving, in the measure of the possible, an assistance *individualizada, accommodated to the specific circumstances of each student. The base of the *tutoría finds in the direct communication between educational and *discente, through which is possible to pipe *personalizadamente the interests and doubts of the students. In the system of *tutorías pursues one some periodic relation between professor and student, so that this can expose to that his doubts, problems and any another circumstance related with the *asignatura. It does not treat to communicate knowledges by part of the *alumnado, but the *tutoría will be a media between professor and student to debate on what this has done and how takes advantage of and assimilates the knowledges received. Activities developed by the professor: - it Checks the evolution of the student in the assimilation of the contents of the matter. - It attends the queries of the student and helps him to resolve the difficulties that find . - It orients in the tasks that has to realise and resolves doubts. - It recommends the suitable means to win the problems of learning. - Orient to the student in the research of documentary sources directed to complete the training of this. - And finally, at least ideally, it orients to the students on his professional future, according to his interests, aptitudes and personal shots. Activities developed by the student: - it Receives personalised orientation. - It reinforces the ideas and exposed concepts in the classes. - Develop, of a particular way, technical and methods that can help him in his work of assimilation of own knowledges of the matter given. - The effort realised by the student does not have to have as it put only the approve the *asignatura, but the achievement of a serious training and, in the measure of the possible, of sufficient quality.
Laboratory practises Theoretical classes: Technician used: lesson *magistral. The lesson *magistral is the most ancient method and, in the actuality, of the most used in the university education. The true lesson *magistral does not have to limit to expose concepts or results, but also to show, to some extent, how arrives to the same, that is to say, has to try transmit a critical approach of the *asignatura, that carry to the student to *reflexionar and discover the relation between the diverse concepts and results that are object of exhibition. Activities developed by the professor: - it Explains the theoretical foundations. In a theoretical class, the explanation of the professor has to gather three essential shots: -scientific Authenticity: it demands a permanent update of the knowledges *insertos in each lesson of the program. -*Ordenación Coherent of the lessons: it allows that, in the course of the exhibition, can remember concepts already seen in another part of the program to relate them with the ones of the lesson of the day, which induces to the student to look for connections of the concepts that learns, forcing his imaginative capacity and facilitating the use of the significant learning. -Clarity of the exhibition: it will realise with the suitable rhythm, with the precise pauses, with the reiterations of the most important points and of greater difficulty, with the interruptions by part of the students, unforeseen or foreseen by part of the professor, and even estimated by this, without that all this affect to the planned development of the program for each lesson. Activities developed by the student: - Of general form, could *resumir in: -Assimilate and taking aim. -It poses doubts and complementary questions. For a better *provecho of the theoretical classes, the student has to realise the following activities: -Read *someramente, before attending to class, the matter that goes to treat the professor. This habit requires discipline but, in return, provides a *aprovechamiento very upper in the classes and, in definite, saves time of study. -Listen with the decided purpose to understand what hears . -Take orderly notes of the salient points of the explanation. -Review the annotations of class shortly after finished this. Practices of laboratory: Technician used: practices in sportive installations -*tatami-. The practical classes constitute an essential part in the training of the student, in such a way that, together with the theoretical part, places to the student in an active situation, what allows him a development of his capacity of observation and a suitable and complementary comparison between the theory and the practice. His just assessment requires a review of the aims that pursue in the training. Like this, to his ending, the student will be able to distinguish erroneous results, or systematic errors in the experimentation, in addition to explaining apparent contradictions. In this sense, the practical classes have to be programmed carefully together with the course of the program of theoretical classes, that is to say, the activity carried out in the practical classes will not be able to *desligarse by the student of the explanations that has received in the theoretical classes. Activities developed by the professor: - it Presents the aims. - It orients the work. - It realises the follow-up. Activities developed by the student: - Experience and it executes the tasks proposed. - Develop and it applies the tasks with the mates. *Tutorías Practical and theoretical: Technician used: *tutorías personalised. The *tutorías consist in giving, in the measure of the possible, an assistance *individualizada, accommodated to the specific circumstances of each student. The base of the *tutoría finds in the direct communication between educational and *discente, through which is possible to pipe *personalizadamente the interests and doubts of the students. In the system of *tutorías pursues one some periodic relation between professor and student, so that this can expose to that his doubts, problems and any another circumstance related with the *asignatura. It does not treat to communicate knowledges by part of the *alumnado, but the *tutoría will be a media between professor and student to debate on what this has done and how takes advantage of and assimilates the knowledges received. Activities developed by the professor: - it Checks the evolution of the student in the assimilation of the contents of the matter. - It attends the queries of the student and helps him to resolve the difficulties that find . - It orients in the tasks that has to realise and resolves doubts. - It recommends the suitable means to win the problems of learning. - Orient to the student in the research of documentary sources directed to complete the training of this. - And finally, at least ideally, it orients to the students on his professional future, according to his interests, aptitudes and personal shots. Activities developed by the student: - it Receives personalised orientation. - It reinforces the ideas and exposed concepts in the classes. - Develop, of a particular way, technical and methods that can help him in his work of assimilation of own knowledges of the matter given. - The effort realised by the student does not have to have as it put only the approve the *asignatura, but the achievement of a serious training and, in the measure of the possible, of sufficient quality.
Group tutoring Theoretical classes: Technician used: lesson *magistral. The lesson *magistral is the most ancient method and, in the actuality, of the most used in the university education. The true lesson *magistral does not have to limit to expose concepts or results, but also to show, to some extent, how arrives to the same, that is to say, has to try transmit a critical approach of the *asignatura, that carry to the student to *reflexionar and discover the relation between the diverse concepts and results that are object of exhibition. Activities developed by the professor: - it Explains the theoretical foundations. In a theoretical class, the explanation of the professor has to gather three essential shots: -scientific Authenticity: it demands a permanent update of the knowledges *insertos in each lesson of the program. -*Ordenación Coherent of the lessons: it allows that, in the course of the exhibition, can remember concepts already seen in another part of the program to relate them with the ones of the lesson of the day, which induces to the student to look for connections of the concepts that learns, forcing his imaginative capacity and facilitating the use of the significant learning. -Clarity of the exhibition: it will realise with the suitable rhythm, with the precise pauses, with the reiterations of the most important points and of greater difficulty, with the interruptions by part of the students, unforeseen or foreseen by part of the professor, and even estimated by this, without that all this affect to the planned development of the program for each lesson. Activities developed by the student: - Of general form, could *resumir in: -Assimilate and taking aim. -It poses doubts and complementary questions. For a better *provecho of the theoretical classes, the student has to realise the following activities: -Read *someramente, before attending to class, the matter that goes to treat the professor. This habit requires discipline but, in return, provides a *aprovechamiento very upper in the classes and, in definite, saves time of study. -Listen with the decided purpose to understand what hears . -Take orderly notes of the salient points of the explanation. -Review the annotations of class shortly after finished this. Practices of laboratory: Technician used: practices in sportive installations -*tatami-. The practical classes constitute an essential part in the training of the student, in such a way that, together with the theoretical part, places to the student in an active situation, what allows him a development of his capacity of observation and a suitable and complementary comparison between the theory and the practice. His just assessment requires a review of the aims that pursue in the training. Like this, to his ending, the student will be able to distinguish erroneous results, or systematic errors in the experimentation, in addition to explaining apparent contradictions. In this sense, the practical classes have to be programmed carefully together with the course of the program of theoretical classes, that is to say, the activity carried out in the practical classes will not be able to *desligarse by the student of the explanations that has received in the theoretical classes. Activities developed by the professor: - it Presents the aims. - It orients the work. - It realises the follow-up. Activities developed by the student: - Experience and it executes the tasks proposed. - Develop and it applies the tasks with the mates. *Tutorías Practical and theoretical: Technician used: *tutorías personalised. The *tutorías consist in giving, in the measure of the possible, an assistance *individualizada, accommodated to the specific circumstances of each student. The base of the *tutoría finds in the direct communication between educational and *discente, through which is possible to pipe *personalizadamente the interests and doubts of the students. In the system of *tutorías pursues one some periodic relation between professor and student, so that this can expose to that his doubts, problems and any another circumstance related with the *asignatura. It does not treat to communicate knowledges by part of the *alumnado, but the *tutoría will be a media between professor and student to debate on what this has done and how takes advantage of and assimilates the knowledges received. Activities developed by the professor: - it Checks the evolution of the student in the assimilation of the contents of the matter. - It attends the queries of the student and helps him to resolve the difficulties that find . - It orients in the tasks that has to realise and resolves doubts. - It recommends the suitable means to win the problems of learning. - Orient to the student in the research of documentary sources directed to complete the training of this. - And finally, at least ideally, it orients to the students on his professional future, according to his interests, aptitudes and personal shots. Activities developed by the student: - it Receives personalised orientation. - It reinforces the ideas and exposed concepts in the classes. - Develop, of a particular way, technical and methods that can help him in his work of assimilation of own knowledges of the matter given. - The effort realised by the student does not have to have as it put only the approve the *asignatura, but the achievement of a serious training and, in the measure of the possible, of sufficient quality.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000