Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Fundaments of motor functions
  Description Qualification
Master Session It will evaluate with an examination type test and/or short questions. 50
Troubleshooting and / or exercises It Will evaluate the work delivered by the/the student envelope the exercises proposed. It Will value the quality of the contained, the coherence, formal aspects, etc.
This part will form part of the evaluation depending of the course of the course, being able to arrive to cost tie a 10% of the final note, what would do that the valued test with a 40% if the teacher decides to apply this criterion of evaluation.
Classroom work They will evaluate distinct aspects depending of the work in question, how the participation, the quality, the progression, etc.
Laboratory practises Active participation in the practical kinds evaluated by means of one signs of control. 40
Other comments on the Evaluation

To aprove the subject in the first announcement and of continuous way the students has to surpass the practical part (50%) such and as if it describes in the *apartado of proofs (works of classroom and practical of laboratory). Also it will subject *aun examination of the theoretical part (50%) the official day of the examination. The student must aprove the two parts, theoretical and practical, to surpass the subject.

In resolution of problems:

It Will evaluate the work delivered by the/the student envelope the exercises proposed. It Will value the quality of the contained, the coherence, formal aspects, etc.
This item will form part of the evaluation depending of the course of the course, being able to arrive to cost tie a 10% of the final note, what would do that the *examen valued with a 40% if the teacher decides to apply this criterion of evaluation.

The one who dont do with the requirements of the practice of continuous way, will have to presented in june or july to  a consistent evaluation in:

a) Test that envelope to theoretical part of the subject: 5 points

b) Test that envelope to practical part of the subject: 5 points

And indispensable approve so much the part a) how the b) to surpass the subject.

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