Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Pychology: Psychology of physical activity & sports
Topic Sub-topic
Percepción e sensación

1.- Sensación.
1.1. Características das modalidades sensoriais.
2. Percepción.
2.1. As etapas da percepción.
2.2. Percepción da cor e a forma.
2.3. Percepción do movemento.
2.4. Percepción do espazo e o tamaño.
3. As ilusiones ópticas.
4. Percepción do tempo.
5. Percepción da dor.
6. Desordes perceptuais: agnosia visual e prosopagnosia.
The Psychology 1. The Contex Of the Psychology.
2. The concept of Psychology.
3. The object of the Psychology.
Attention 1. Dimensions and types of attention.
2. Types of processing in the attention.
3. Alterations of the attention.
Memory 1. Structural models and procedural models.
2. Sensory memories.
3. Memory of work.
4.- Long-term memory.
5.- The oblivion.
6. Disorders of memory
Learning 1. The innate behaviours.
2. The pre associative behaviours.
3. The classical conditioning
3.1. Procedures of the classical conditioning.
4. The Instrumental conditioning.
4.1.Models of the Instrumental conditionin.
4.2. The programs of Instrumental conditioning
4.4. The extinction.
4.5. Variables and types of Instrumental conditioning
5. The social learning
5.1. The social cognitive theory Bandura.
5.2. The observational learning (or modeling)
Motivation and emotion 1. The primary reasons.
2. The secondary reasons.
2.1. Reason of attainment.
2.2. Reason of membership and power.
2.3. Reason stop the behaviour of help.
3. Motivation and performance.
3.1. Intrinsic motiivation
3.2. Extrinsic Motivation
3.3.Pursuit of success and avoidance of failure
4. Emotion.
4.1 emotional Intelligence.
5.Anxiety and stress.
6. The burnout.

Introduction to the human development 1. Introduction.
2. General concepts.
3. Evolutionary stages.
Development and motor control 1. Basic concepts of the motor development.
2. Principles of the devevolpment
3. The development and physical activities.
Cognitive development 1. Introduction.
2. Evolutionary stages in the cognitive development.
3. Cognitive involution in the people.
Desenvolvemento socioafectivo e de la personalidade 1. Introdución.
2. Desenvolvemento socioafectivo.
2.1. Principais problemas socioafectivos no ser humano.
4. Desenvolvemento da personalidade.
4.1. Trastornos da personalidade.
Analysis of the sportive behaviour 1. Introduction.
2. Variables to analyze in the sportive behaviour.
3. Methods of analysis.
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