Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Description Qualification
Master Session Proofs of short answer:
there will be four proofs, the weeks 3, 6, 8 and 10, of 5-10 minutes of length, that allows the student to pass part of the matters.

In these short proofs the skils A74, A75, A3 and A7 will be evaluated.
Laboratory practises Systematic observation:
During the practices of laboratory and computer, the obtaining of results and the demonstration to having comprised the procedure to arrive to them will be evaluated:
1. "Sensors calibration": 5%
2. "Infrared thermography": 10%

In these practices the skils A75, A4 and A9 will be evaluated.
Practice in computer rooms Systematic observation:
During the practices of laboratory and computer, the obtaining of results and the demonstration to having comprised the procedure to arrive to them will be evaluated :
1. "The Earth from the air/space": 5%
2. "Foundations of RADAR": 5%
3. "Active RADAR of microwaves": 10%
4. "Image Processing": 5%

In these practices the skils A74 and A4 will be evaluated.
Tutored works The realisation of the works in groups will be evaluated in two parts: the own dynamics of the works and the presentations.

The work itself will receive 15% of the mark

In these works the skils A75, A7 and A9 will be evaluated.
Presentations / exhibitions Presentations of the works by part of the groups

In the presentation of the works the skil A9 will be evaluated.
Short answer tests The final examination, in case to have to do it, will consist of 10 questions of short answer, with questions related with the classes of theory, of laboratory and the presentations of the works, and will cost by 100% of the note of the topic. 0
Other comments on the Evaluation

The proofs of continuous evaluation allow the student to obtain a final qualification based only in his path along the course, and consist in:

1. Four proofs of short answer, with 10% of the total note each one, adding 40%.

2. Proofs of systematic observation in the practices of laboratory and computer, that add another 40%

3. Evaluation of the tutored works (15%) and of the presentation of the same (5%)

The tasks of continuous evaluation are not recoverable, and they are only valid for the current course. A student is supposed that has opted by continuous evaluation when he has done two of the proofs of short answer and he has attended two practices of laboratory. A student that opts by the continuous evaluation is considered to be presented to the topic, independently that he attends or not the final examination.

If a student, having presented to continuous evaluation, opts for presenting to the final examination, the final mark of the topic will be the average of both.

According to the regulations of the University of Vigo, the student that wish has to be able to opt to 100% of the final note by means of an only final examination. The final examination is that he realises in the official dates marked in Board of School in the months of December or January (or July, in the case extraordinary exam), and to those that have to attend those students that have not opted by continuous evaluation and wish to approve the topic. The final examination will consist of ten brief questions related with the contents of the classes of classroom, of laboratory, and the presentations of the works.

The extraordinary examination will have a similar structure to the final examination.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000