Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Master Session Exhibition by the professor of the contents of the topic "Remote Sensing": foundations, theoretical bases, applications, etc.
Reserves for the sessions of big group (A)
Laboratory practises Activities of application of the knowledges to concrete situations and of acquisition of basic skills and procedures related with the matter object of study.
They are developed in laboratories with the suitable equipment.
They are two face-to-face sessions of 2 hours each one: one centred in calibration of sensors (using LEGO Mindstorm), and another in thermography by infrared (learning to handle termographic cameras). The first realises in average groups (B) and the second in small groups (C).
Practice in computer rooms Activities of application of the knowledges to concrete situations and of acquisition of basic skills and procedures related with the matter object of study.
They are developed in laboratories with computers.
They are five sessions of two hours each one:
1. The Earth from the air/space, to learn on points of view.
2. Foundations of RADAR, by means of a game of computer designed specifically, "RADAR Technology".
3. Active RADAR by microwaves, based in Matlab, with a length of four hours.
4. Processing and Interpretation of satellite images, with a program for processing LandSat images .
Tutored works The student, in groups, prepares a document on an application of the Remote Sensing in the daily life.
For this, the students will begin with a research of news on a subject that are propose to each group, related to the actuality, in which the remote sensing appear like a basic tool (for example, the research of corpses buried by a murderous, the follow-up of some floods, the study of the outlines of the continental plate under the ocean).
The groups will begin for locating actual related news. From them, they will treat to identify the technologies, sensors, processing techniques, employee. They will have to look for technical and scientific information on these and, finally, elaborate a report and a presentation.
The interaction with the professors will be face-to-face along five meetings of one hour each, and through forums during the research of information, and by email for the exchange of ideas.
Presentations / exhibitions Exhibition by part of the students in front of the
professor and the rest of students of the work realised in small groups (C).
These works will be presented as an activity of group B.
Introductory activities Activities directed to take contact and
gather information on the students, as well as
to present the topic.
For this activity reserves a face-to-face hour of group A, in which the professor presents the topic, explain the practices of laboratory and computer, and what expects of the works in group C.
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