Educational guide 2013_14
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Arquitecturas e servizos telemáticos
  Description Qualification
Projects Each workgroup will deliver the course project during the penultimate week of the teaching period. The delivery will consist of the final design, the code and the documentation. It is mandatory that the code can be compiled and executed in the lab premises. The assement of the project will value to equal parts the project design and the correct operation of the implementation code under a testing. 15
Presentations / exhibitions Each workgroup will justify in an oral presentation the solution adopted in his project. The presentation will take place the last week of the teaching period with the professors of the course. 5
Short answer tests About the 6th week of the teaching period, each student will do and individual test which combines practical skills and short questions. 10
Case studies / analysis of situations Students, in groups, will have to deliver the design of the project of the course (about the 10th week of the teaching period). 10
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. This test will take place the last week of the teaching period. Individually, each student will solve an exercise that show his/her skills in using the main technologies of the course in some practical context. 10
Long answer tests and development Individual writing test will take place in the date indicated in the official calendar of exams. Books, class notes and other matrial will not be allowed during the exam. 50
Other comments on the Evaluation

The student can follow up an assesment model of continuous evaluation or can do a final exam. 


EVALUATION consists in the assesment activities mentioned previously. The student can choose to follow up  continuous evaluation in week 7, after the first assesment of the course. After that, workgroups are created in order to tackle the collaborative development the course project. From this moment, the final mark never will be "not taken" (incomplete).

The maximum mark for the activities in continuous evaluation is the following:

  • Individual writing test (exam calendar): Máximum 5 points.
  • Intermediate proof: Maximun 1 point.
  • Project Design: Maximum 1 point.
  • Activities related with the implementation of the project: Maximum 5 points. (It includes delivery of the project, presentation in group and individual practical test).

The student passes the course if he/she obtains at least 2 points in "Individual Wirting Test" and a total punctuation (sum of the assesment activities) upper to 5 points. The maximum note will be of 10 points.


The evaluation
by means of a FINAL EXAM will consist of the following parts (Tests
will not be recoverable):

1. A writing exam  (whose description coincides with 5th test of the continuous
evaluation). The result of this exam will suppose a maximum of 5 points and a minimum punctuation of
2,5 points will be required.

2. The implementation of an individual project that will have to be delivered the last week of teaching.
This will consist of the project design, the project implementation and the documentation.  It is mandatory that the code can be compiled and executed in
the lab premises. The assement of the project will value to equal parts the project design and the correct operation of the implementation code under a testing. The evaluation of this part represents until a maximum of 2 points.

3. A practical test in the lab, whose description
coincides with the 4th test of continuous evaluation. The evaluation of
this part represents until a maximum of 3 points and  a minimum
punctuation of 1,5 points will be required.

In any case, the course is considered passed if the student obtains the minimum qualifications both in the writing test and in the practical test; and the sum of all the parts is
upper to 5 points.


For the examination ath the END OF THE COURSE, all the students will are assesed in the modality of final exam as it has described previously.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000