Educational guide 2013_14
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Sistemas de adquisición de datos
Topic Sub-topic
Analogue signals adaption Analog multiplexers

Digitally controlled amplifiers an basic attenuators

Galvanic isolation Inductive isolation

Capacitive isolation

Optical isolation
Sample and hold Sample and hold circuits

Anti-alias filters
DACs I DAC based on a multiplexer and a linear resistive network

Digital potentiometers

Switching DAC with weighting resistors
DACs II Unipolar DAC with an R/2R network, in current mode.

Unipolar DAC with an R/2R network, in voltage mode.
DACs III Bipolar DACs.

Indirect operation DACs.
ADCs I Flash ADC.
Half-flash ADC (sub-ranging)
ADCs II Single-slope analogue ADC.

Dual-slope analogue ADC.

ADC based on successive aproximation register (SAR).
ADCs III ADC based on a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and a frequency-meter.

ADC based on sigma-delta.
ADCs IV ADC based on switching capacitors.

Other applications based on switching capacitors.
Lab work 1 The instrumentation amplifier. Analogue multiplexer.
Lab work 2 Galvanic isolation amplifier. Optical coupler.
Lab work 3 Anti-alias filter. Sample and hold circuits.
Lab work 4 DACs based on R/2R network. Voltage mode. Current mode.
Lab work 5 Dual-slope ADC. Operational in bipolar mode.
Lab work 6 ADC using successive aproximation register (SAR). SAR based on software.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000