Guia docente 2013_14
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Programación II
  Description Qualification
Projects The students, organized into groups of 2 people, will submit a software project during the week from 2 to 6 of December of the course. This submission must include the UML diagrams of the final design, the code and the documentation about the implementation details. The software must run correctly on the computers of the educational laboratories. In the assessment, the professor will consider both the correct execution of the program and the designed adopted in the development. With this test CE53 and CE50 competences will be assessed. 15
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. During the week from 9 to 13 of December of the educational period, the students will have an interview with the professor where they must answer questions related to the software project submitted (e.g. justify design decisions and propose solutions to face modifications in the developed functionalities. The two students of each group must be present in this interview. The questions must be answered individually with the goal of checking the authorship, the degree of understanding and implication of the student in the development of the project. If the student fails in proving these aspects, the student will have to take a practical exam in the computer room in the official date published in 15
Case studies / analysis of situations The students, organized into groups of 2 people, will submit and present in the computer room the design defined for the project software, including UML class diagrams. This design will be submitted during the week from 4 to 7 of November of the course.
With this test CE51 and CE52 competences will be assessed.
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Each student will take a final exam in the official date published in, which will consist of the following types of questions: resolution of problems, short-answer questions about the theoretical concepts explained in master sessions, true/false assessments, multiple-choice tests. Note that support materials are not allowed. The number and the combination of the aforementioned questions will be defined for each particular exam. With this test CE51 and CE53 competences will be assessed. 50
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. The students, organized into groups of 2 people, will submit the Java initiation practices proposed in the computer room. This submission will take place during the week from 21 to 25 of October of the course. 10
Other comments on the Evaluation

There exist two mechanisms for the assessment of students in this subject: continuous assessment (CA) and traditional assessment (TA). Regardless of the considered assessment mechanism, the pass mark for the subject is 5 out of 10.

The students must choose one of the possible mechanisms by bearing in mind the following conditions: 

  • CA includes the 5 tests described above.
  • In both cases, CA and TA, students must do a laboratory project.  To easy the selection between CA and TA, students will have to see in Faitic Web the project to do since 20 September. 
  • In TA regimen the proyect must be made in an individual form.  
  • Students who sit CA must submit during the week from 4 to 7 of November of the course, the UML class diagrams of the proposed software project. By the submission of this practice the student makes a commitment to be assessed via CA, thus renouncing the TA mechanism. In virtue of this commitment, these students will not be listed as "Not Present".
  • Students who do not submit the UML-compliant design during the week from 4 to 7 of November of the course, renounce to the CA, thus being assessed through the TA mechanism. Note that it will not be possible to join the CA in the next tests. 
  • CA tests will be only carried out in the dates defined by the teachers. These tests cannot be repeated out of these dates.
  • The grades obtained in the CA and other exams and practical projects are only valid for the current academic year. 
  • CA will be just considered in January. In the rest of examination sessions (i.e., May, July and others) only TA will be valid.

The students who opt for CA will be assessed by the tests described above:

  • Java initiation practices  (10%). 2 people groups. It is the 5th test described in the CA assessment mechanism.
  • Software project (40%). 2 people groups. It includes three parts: design(10%), implementation (15%) and interview (15%). They are the 3rd, 1st and 2nd tests, respectively.
  • Exam about theoretical concepts and use cases. It is the 4th test described above. 

The students who opt by the TA mechanism will be assessed as follows:

  • An exam whose description matches the 4th CA test. The result of this exam will be 50% of the final remark of the student. 
  • A software project that must be submitted individually during the week from 2 to 5 of December of the course. The submission must include the class diagrams of UML-compliant design, and the documentation to explain the implementation details. The program must run correctly on the computer in the laboratory. The assessment of the project will consider both the right execution of the program and the proposed design. The weight of the project will be 30% of the final remark of the student.  
  • A personal interview where the student must answer the questions posed by the professor, with regard to main design decisions and the way to face possible modifications in the developed functionalities. This interview will take place during the week from 9 to 13 of December of the course in the computer room. The weight of this interview will be 20% of the final remark of the student. 

Students who opt for the examination sessions of July cannot be assessed via CA, so that only TA is valid. These students will be assessed as per the following tests:  

  • A final exam (whose description matches the 4th CA test) that will take place in the official date published at The result of this exam will be 50% of the final remark of the student. 
  • A practical exam in the computer room, which will take place in the official date published at, where the student must develop a Java program as per the guidelines described by the professor. The weight of this practical exam in the final remark will be 50%. 
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