Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Programación I
  Description Qualification
Laboratory practises Assignments and exercises carried out in the laboratory.

These exercises evaluate skills CG4 and CE12/T7.
Projects The evaluation will consist of three activities: 1) report describing the design of the project, 2) a laboratory test focusing on the main ideas behind the project design and implementation, 3) a final report pointing out the main features and the flawless execution of the project.
This projecto evaluate skills CG4, CG9, CE6/T1 and CE12/T7.
Multiple choice tests Assigned and due on line during the term.

These test evaluate skills CE6/T1 and CE12/T7.
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. The student will implement one programming exercice.

These test evaluate skills CE6/T1 and CE12/T7.
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Exercises proposed during the development of the lectures. Final exam.

These proofs will evaluate skills G4 and CE12/T7.
Other comments on the Evaluation

Below is the planning of the subject by showing lectures and the estimated time of the most important milestones of assessment:

TheoryLaboratoryTheory EvaluationLaboratory Evaluation
Week 1Lecture 1 

Week 2Lecture 2Practice 1

Week 3Lecture 2 / Lecture 3Practice 2
Practical assignment 1 (EP1)
Week 4Lecture 3Practice 2

Week 5Lecture 3Practice 3
Practical assignment 2 (EP2)
Week 6Lecture 4Practice 3Web Test 1 (CW1)
Week 7Lecture 4PL1
Laboratory Test (PL1)
Week 8Lecture 4 Project
Classroom Test 1 (PA1)
Week 9Lecture 5Project
Project Design Report (PR)
Week 10Lecture 6ProjectWeb Test 2 (CW2)
Week 11Lecture 6Project

Week 12Lecture 7ProjectClassroom Test 2 (PA2)
Week 13Lecture 7PL2
Project Test (PL2)
Week 14Lecture 7Project

Period of examinations

Final proof on all the contents of the subject (PFT) Delivery and defence of the project developed in the laboratory (PR)


In all courses the School offers two evaluation modes: Continuous evaluation and comprehensive evaluation. The student must opt to the latter one explicitily, no latter than the grade of the first practical evaluation in the course is officially reported (PL1).

The continuous evaluation will be considered as "approved" if the final grade obtained by the student is at least 5. This final grade is the harmonic mean between the theory and practice, calculated as follows:

NF=  (2*NP* NT)/ (NP+ NT)

NP (Max. 100%) = EP (Max. 20 %)+ PL1 (Max. 20 %)+PL2 (Max. 20%)+PR (Max. 40 %)

NT (Max. 100%) =CW (Max. 10 %)+PA1 (Max. 10 %)+PA2 (Max. 20 %)+PFT (Max. 60%)

The use of the harmonic means implies that both NP and Nmust be above 3.3 to approve the course. In any case, the harmonic means must no be inferior to 5.

No evaluation of any activity in the continous evaluation mode is repeatable; that is, an instructor is not obligued to reschedule an evaluated activity missed by a student. No evaluation will be enforced after the end of the term the student is enrolled to. 

The comprehensive evaluation consists of practical programming exercices, in paper and with computer, and the presentation on a project report. 

NP (no present) will be granted:

  1. In continuous evaluation when no asssignment after the first is graded (PL1)
  2. In comprehensive evaluation when no assignment is graded


University regulations allow students to take an aditional test to approve the course:

  • In the continuos evaluation mode the student should approve a theoretical exam, should do a code implementacion on paper and/or computer and design and implement an extension of the project. The student can:
    • Waive the theoretical exam if his/her theory grade is not under 5  (Nno lower than 50%);
    • Waive the practical test, i.e., project plus programming if the Laboratory grade obtained in the term was at least 50 %.
    • Nonetheless, the student can take, if he/she wishes so, the theoretical and lab exams.
  • In the comprehensive evaluation mode the student should approve a theoretical exam, should do a code implementation on paper and/or computer and design and implement a project. Students under continuos evaluation mode can opt for this alternative evaluation mode.

The student that can opt of voluntary form by one or another option will be able to do it until the moment of delivery or realisation of the corresponding proofs.


The note obtained in the continuous evaluation does not save  of a course for the following.


In case of detection of plagiarism in any of the works/test realised the qualification will be of suspense (0) and the professors will communicate to the direction of the school the subject so that it take the measures that consider timely. In the case that the plagiarism detect in any of the works/test of continuous evaluation will not allow that the student follow this procedure of evaluation.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000