Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Programación I
Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1:The computer and programming languages 1. The computer
2. Programming concepts, software and programming paradigms
3. Stages of software development
4. High-level and low-level programming languages
5. Source code and object code
6. Compilers and interpreters
7. The concept of algorithm
8. Flowcharts, seudo code and natural language for the representation of algorithms
9. General structure of a C program
Topic 2: Basic elements (integers, characters, floats and pointers) 1. Tokens in C: data type, identifier, variable, constant, operator and expression
2. Basic data types and attributes: name, type, memory address, size, value, scope, life.
3. Identifiers
4. Arithmetic operations
5. Logical operations
6. Relacional operations
7. Type conversions
8. Declaration and assignment operations
9. Definition and declaration of pointer variables
10. Basic operations on pointers
Topic 3: Control Instructions (assignment, conditional, iterative and input / output) 1. Basic types of control instructions (sequence, selection and repetition)
2. Selection Instructions (if-else, switch, operator ?...:)
3. Iterative instructions (for, while, do-while), break; and continue; instructions
4.Instructions for standard input/output: printf, scanf
5. Compilation Directives
Topic 4: Functions 1. Modular or procedural programming, problem reduction
2. The structured programming paradigm
3. Declaration and definition of functions
4. Functions without parameters
5. Global variables, local and static
6. Parameter communication by value
7. Parameter communication by reference
8. Entering parameters via the Command window: argc, argv []
9. Recursive functions
Topic 5: Structured data types 1. Data structures (array, struct, union)
2. One dimensional and two dimensional arrays
3. Strings
4. Declaration and use of data structures
5. Typedef declaration
6. Nested Structures
7. Library functions for string management
Topic 6: Files 1. Concept of file and stream
2. Standard Flows
3. Text files and binary files
4. Basic operations on files, opening and closing, reading, writing
5. Access Modes
6. Macros NULL and EOF
7. Input / output libraries
8. Formatted input/output
Topic 7: Dynamic Memory Management 1. Introduction to dynamic memory management
2. Library functions for dynamic memory management
3. Common linked lists: single, double, circular, circular double binary tree
4. Insertion, replacement and deletion of nodes in linked lists
5. Node structure in linked lists
6. Interaction between lists and files
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