Guia docente 2013_14
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Matemáticas: Cálculo I
  Description Qualification
Troubleshooting and / or exercises First session (1 hour): Subject 1. (Aprox. week 6).

Second session (1 hour): Subjects 2 and 3. (Aprox. week 9).

Third session (1 hour): Subjects 4 and 5. (Aprox. week 13).

Fourth session (1 hour): Subject 6. (Aprox. week 15).

The four previous sessions add 40% of the total note. The punctuation of each one of them will be of 10%.
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Final examination on the subjects 1, 3, 6 and 7 of the matter. His punctuation will be 60% of the total note. 60
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the own guidelines  will offer  two systems of evaluation: continuous evaluation and evaluation at the end of the term.

1. Evaluation continued will consider that a student has opted by continuous evaluation when, after having  presented to the first session of continuous evaluation, deliver to the professor before 21 of October, the leaf of registration in this type of evaluation. Once expressed by writing his wish to take part, will not be able to change the option of evaluation. The continuous evaluation features of the four sessions that are presented in this guide and of the final examination. The sessions are not recoverable, that is to say, if a student can not present to realise them in the day stipulated by the professor, this does not have obligation to repeat  them. Before the realisation of each session will indicate  the date and procedure of review of the qualifications obtained that they will be public in a reasonable term of time (generally a week).

The final note of a student that do continuous evaluation will obtain  by means of the formulae

N = (1/10) x C + (6/10) x E

C : Note, between 0 and 40, obtained like the sum of the notes of the sessions of an hour.

E : Note, between 0 and 10, obtained in the final examination on the subjects 1, 3, 6 and 7 of the matter.

In this modality, a student will be approved when N was main or equal than 5.The qualification obtained in the tasks evaluables will be valid so alone for the academic course in which realise .

2. Evaluation at the end of the cuatrimestre.

Students that do not follow continuous evaluation will be able to present  to a final examination, that will not be necessarily the same that the one of the continuous evaluation, on all the subjects of the matter. The date of this examination will be the same in which will take place the final examination  of the continuous evaluation. In this case, the examination will be evaluated between 0 and 10 points and a student will be approved when the note of his examination are main or equal than 5 .

3. Recovery in the month of July (second announcement)

The day of the examination of recovery, the students that chose continuous evaluation, will be able to opt, if they wish it, to an examination where the note obtain 

NR= (1/10) x C   (6/10) x D

C : Note, between 0 and 40, obtained like the sum  of the notes of the sessions of an hour.

D : Note, between 0 and 10, obtained in an examination on  the subjects 1, 3, 6 and 7 of the matter.

In this modality a student will be approved when NR was main or equal than 5.

In case of no choose this option, or of not being able to do it by have not followed continuous evaluation, the examination of recovery will be on all the contents of the matter and will be marked between 0 and 10. This examination will have a maximum length of three hours and will not be necessarily the same that the one of the continuous evaluation. A student will be approved when the note of his examination are main or equal than 5.

4. Note of No Presented

A student will consider  no presented if, at most, has taken part in the first session of continuous evaluation. In any another case, the student will consider  presented and will receive his corresponding note.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000