Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Informática: Arquitectura de ordenadores
  Description Qualification
Self-assessment tests Exam questions will be available for students, in order to perform autoevaluation. 0
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Two practical exams will be performed in laboratory. 50
Short answer tests Three exams (ongoing evaluation) will be performed to evaluate the theory. 50
Other comments on the Evaluation

This subject is organized in two parts:
Theory (5 points) and Practice (5 points). To pass the subject, a minimun grade
of 2 must be obtained in each part, and the global grade must be over 5.

Being NT the Theory grade and NP the
Practice grade:

-       If NT ≥ 2 and NP ≥ 2, then the subject grade will be NT+NP.

-      If (NT<2 or NP<2) and NT+NP > 4,5, then the subject
grade will be 4,5.

Both parts can be evaluated by
Continuous Evaluation (EC) or by Final Exam (EF). The EF will consist of Theory
and Practice, and will take place in date and time established by “Jefatura de

EC will consist of the tasks here
described, and they will not be repeated in case any student to fail in their fulfillment.

If one of the subject parts is passed
in the December examinations, its grade will be kept for the Jule examinations
where the student only must be evaluated of the other one. If the student has
fulfilled the EC tasks, his/her grades are kept.

The EC tasks grades are only valid for
the current academic course, being discarded in case the student to fail the

All the exams mentioned in the
following paragraphs will be graded between 0 and 5.


consist of:

- ENT: deliveries in class,
consisting of short exercises about any subject contents explained in class or requested
as home duties. This part will be graded with 0,5 points maximum.

- 3 EC partial exams, to be done,
aprox, in the 5th week (EC1 covering 33% of the contents), 10th week (EC2
covering 66% of the contents) and during the Final Exam (that is, the third
exercise –EC3– covering 100% of the contents will be part of the Final Exam).

To follow EC, the student must attend
EC1 and obtain, at least, a grade of 1,5 (3 over 10). In other case, the
student must go to the Final Exam and no EC grade will be kept.


The Theory grade will be computed as NT
= EC + ENT, where EC=0,25*EC1+0,33*EC2+0,42*EC3

If EC1< 1,5, then the student must attend
the Final Exam (EF).

If EC2 < 1,5, then the student must attend
the Final Exam (EF).

If EC3 < 1,5 and EC ≥ 2, then

In case the student to fail the subject
after following EC, the ENT grades and all EC exercises (EC1, EC2 and EC3)
graded over 1,5 (3 over 10) will be kept for the Jule examinations.

If the student want to get a higher
grade, he/she can discard EC results and attend the Final Exam.


Any student, having followed EC or not,
can attend the Final Exam. If EC was followed, he/she can discard EC results
and attend the Final Exam.

The Final Exam will consist of two
exercises EFT1 and EFT2 (the same as EC3) composed of short questions to be
answered in 90 minutes. If EC was not followed, the student must attend both

EFT1 will cover the same contents as EC1 and EC2 (66% of
contents). It will weigh the 58% of the final grade. EFT2 will cover the last
third of the subject and it will weigh the remainder 42%.

Both in EFT1 and EFT2 it
is necessary to achieve a minimum score of 1.5 (3 out of 10). In this
case, the final grade will be NT = 0,58*EFT1 + 0,42*EFT2, else it will
be NT = 1.5.

If EC is undertaken (i.e. EC1≥ 1,5), the ENT score will be added to the NT and, if flunked, EFT1 and/or EFT2 scores, when greater or equal to 1,5 will be kept for the July recovery term.



theory part of the Recovery Exam has the same structure as in the Final Term Exam and
it will last 90 minutes. If EC was not carried out, it is necessary to
take both the EFT1 and EFT2 tests, regardless of grades in final term. If
EC is undertaken, the same rules as in the final term exam will
apply, keeping the EC1, EC2 (or the EFT1 equivalent) and EFT2 scores
which were greater than or equal to 1.5 (3 out of 10), and ENT.



It may be passed by continuous assessment (ECP) or in a Final Exam (EFP)




- ENTP: several deliverables, similar to those of theory, but taking place in the practical classes. As in theory, they are scored with 0.5 points.


-2 exercises. The first one (P1) deals about SIMPLEZ and will take place about half of the course (6th week), and the second and final one (P2) deals with ALGORITMEZ and will take place at the same time as EFP. Both exercises will be conducted in the laboratory and will last approximately 1 hour.



Practice Grade (NP) will be NP = ENTP + 0,35*P1+0,65*P2, where the P1
and P2 scores must be at least 2 (of 5). If the P1 score is less than 2,
ECP fails and it is necessary to take the EFP examination (and in this
case ENTP will not be valid).


If a student wishes to improve his/her grade, he/she can discard P1 and take the EFP exam. In such case, the score will be EFP plus ENTP.




The EFP will consist of an exercise about ALGORITMEZ to be carried out at the laboratory in (approximately) 1 hour, and it could be be different to the P2 exercise of ECP.


Recovery Exam will consist of a P2 based exam (if ECP was undertaken and
the P1 score is desired to be preserved), or (otherwise) it will consist
of a final exam about ALGORÍTMEZ. Both exams will last approximately




ACTS - For the EC to be considered in minutes, the student must take the P1 exercise in Practice or the EC1 in Theory. Any student not taken some of these exams (P1 or EC1):


-       His/her grade will not be registered in the minutes and no score will be kept for the Recovery Exam. For all purposes he/she will be considered as a new student.

-       He/she could not take the other EC exercises, as they will not be considered.





those students undertaken the EC, the maximum score of the Final Grade
(NF) is  11 instead of 10. When the score exceeds 10 it will be
converted to 10. A score above 10 will be taken into account to assign
honors when there are more students with a 10 score than assignable
honors. Honors will be granted in strict order of score (whose maximum
can be 11).


Prior to an exercise delivering or an exam, the date and procedure for
the score review will be published sufficiently in advance.



Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000