Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Informática: Arquitectura de ordenadores
Code Description
A3 CG3: The knowledge of basic subjects and technologies that capacitates the student to learn new methods and technologies, as well as to give him great versatility to confront and update to new situations
A4 CG4: The ability to solve problems with initiative, to make creative decisions and to communicate and transmit knowledge and skills, understanding the ethical and professional responsibility of the Technical Telecommunication Engineer activity.
A9 CG9: The ability to work in multidisciplinary groups in a Multilanguage environment and to communicate, in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related with Telecommunications and Electronics.
A11 CE2/FB2: The basic knowledge about using and programming computers, operative systems, databases and Engineering applied software.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000