Guia docente 2013_14
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Aprendizaxe das ciencias sociais
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1. BLOCK 1. Development of educational experiences and didactic materials of the area (*)Elements for the didactic programming in the Social Sciences in the Education *InfantilActividadades for the Didactic of the Social Sciences in Education *InfantilElaboración and defence of a Unit *Didactica in Knowledge of the Means
(*)2. BLOCK 2. *Epistemología And content of the area of Social Sciences (*)Introduction to the Social Sciences: concept and shots that characterise themWhich are the Social Sciences? Definitions *específicasLas Social Sciences in the School: contents in Childish Education
(*)3. BLOCK 3. The building of the concepts and notions for the knowledge of the social means (*)Development and evolution of the space notions Development and evolution of the notions *temporalesTratamiento didactic of the work of art
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